Anfesia Shapsnikoff
Anfesia Shapsnikoff was an Aleut leader and educator born October 1, 1901 at Atka, Alaska
Atka, Alaska
Atka is a hamlet located on the east side of Atka Island, in Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska, United States. The population was 61 at the 2010 census.The population of Atka is nearly entirely Aleut . The major industry is fishing.-Geography:...

in the Aleutian Islands. Renowned for her weaving of Aleut grass baskets, Anfesia flew to many communities throughout Alaska
Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait...

 to teach children the lost art of Attu
Attu may refer to:*A common name for the Dosa in Telugu*Attu Island in Alaska*The Battle of Attu, the primary land battle in the Aleutian Islands campaign of World War II, which took place on Attu Island in May 1943....

 basket weaving
Basket weaving
Basket weaving is the process of weaving unspun vegetable fibres into a basket or other similar form. People and artists who weave baskets are called basketmakers and basket weavers.Basketry is made from a variety of fibrous or pliable materials•anything that will bend and form a shape...


The Twenty-First Legislature of the Alaska State Legislature recognized Anfesia on March 7, 2000 as an "Aleut Tradition Bearer" who "...served as nurse, church reader, teacher and community leader nearly all her life...Who contributed history and well being for all Alaskans".

Anfesia, although diminutive in physical stature, served as a powerful role model within the Aleut communities where she taught and got involved in matters of importance to the people. "Anfesia's influence in the Aleut community endures.... Her passion for Aleut culture has infused various Aleut organizations, and her willingness to serve on civic boards has inspired others to follow her example".

Even though Anfesia was physically small, she could be "...extremely fierce at times if she found something out that she was unhappy with. And she was often unhappy with the written accounts of Aleut history".

External links

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