Angelina Maccarone

Personal life

Born in Pulheim, Germany
Pulheim is a city in the Rhein-Erft-Kreis, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Since the 1920s, a large substation of the RWE has been sited at Pulheim...

 in 1965, Maccarone originally sought a career in music before turning to film. She attended the University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg
The University of Hamburg is a university in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded on 28 March 1919 by Wilhelm Stern and others. It grew out of the previous Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen and the Kolonialinstitut as well as the Akademisches Gymnasium. There are around 38,000 students as of the start of...

 and majored in German and American Studies.


  • Kommt Mausi raus?!, 1995
  • Alles wird gut, 1997
  • Ein Engel schlägt zurück, 1998
  • Fremde Haut (Unveiled)
    Fremde Haut
    Fremde Haut is a German film released 20 October 2005. It was directed by Angelina Maccarone and stars Jasmin Tabatabai, Anneke Kim Sarnau, and Navíd Akhavan. Its English title is Unveiled.-Background:...

    , 2005
  • Vivere, 2007
  • Verfolgt (Hounded), 2007

External links

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