Angolasaurus is an extinct genus of mosasaur
Mosasaurs are large extinct marine lizards. The first fossil remains were discovered in a limestone quarry at Maastricht on the Meuse in 1764...

 found in the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian
The Turonian is, in the ICS' geologic timescale, the second age in the Late Cretaceous epoch, or a stage in the Upper Cretaceous series. It spans the time between 93.5 ± 0.8 Ma and 89.3 ± 1 Ma...

) of Angola
Angola, officially the Republic of Angola , is a country in south-central Africa bordered by Namibia on the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the north, and Zambia on the east; its west coast is on the Atlantic Ocean with Luanda as its capital city...

 and described by Miguel Telles Antunes
Miguel Telles Antunes
Miguel Telles Antunes is a Portuguese palaeontologist. He is specializes, among other things, in dinosaur palaeontology.Antunes is the director of the Museu Maynense da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa...

in 1964.
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