Anna Christina Nobre
Anna Christina De Ozorio Nobre

(b. 1963, Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro , commonly referred to simply as Rio, is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil, and the third largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America, boasting approximately 6.3 million people within the city proper, making it the 6th...

) is a Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

ian neuroscientist
A neuroscientist is an individual who studies the scientific field of neuroscience or any of its related sub-fields...

 working in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

She is Tutorial Fellow in Experimental Psychology at New College, Oxford
New College, Oxford
New College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.- Overview :The College's official name, College of St Mary, is the same as that of the older Oriel College; hence, it has been referred to as the "New College of St Mary", and is now almost always...

 and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience
Cognitive neuroscience is an academic field concerned with the scientific study of biological substrates underlying cognition, with a specific focus on the neural substrates of mental processes. It addresses the questions of how psychological/cognitive functions are produced by the brain...

 at the University of Oxford
University of Oxford
The University of Oxford is a university located in Oxford, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest surviving university in the world and the oldest in the English-speaking world. Although its exact date of foundation is unclear, there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096...

, where she heads the Brain and Cognition Laboratory in the Department of Experimental Psychology. In collaboration with Professor Miles Hewstone
Miles Hewstone
Miles Hewstone is a leading social psychologist who is well-known for his work on social relations.He graduated from the University of Bristol in 1978 and then moved to the University of Oxford from which he obtained a D.Phil. in social psychology in 1981. He pursued post-doctoral work at the...

, Nobre has set up the Oxford Social Neuroscience laboratory, which uses non-invasive imaging approaches to investigate how social factors affect experience and behaviour. She is also Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Northwestern University is a private research university in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, USA. Northwestern has eleven undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools offering 124 undergraduate degrees and 145 graduate and professional degrees....

 in Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...

, USA and the Psychology and Neuroscience Delegate for Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press is the largest university press in the world. It is a department of the University of Oxford and is governed by a group of 15 academics appointed by the Vice-Chancellor known as the Delegates of the Press. They are headed by the Secretary to the Delegates, who serves as...

. She is married to the philosopher Luciano Floridi
Luciano Floridi
Luciano Floridi currently holds the Research Chair in philosophy of information and the UNESCO Chair in Information and Computer Ethics, both at the University of Hertfordshire, Department of Philosophy...


Life and work

Nobre was educated at the Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro (EARJ) and Williams College
Williams College
Williams College is a private liberal arts college located in Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States. It was established in 1793 with funds from the estate of Ephraim Williams. Originally a men's college, Williams became co-educational in 1970. Fraternities were also phased out during this...

. She received her M.Phil, MSc and PhD (1992) from Yale
RapidMiner, formerly YALE , is an environment for machine learning, data mining, text mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. It is used for research, education, training, rapid prototyping, application development, and industrial applications...

 University for her research on intracranial as well as non-invasive electrophysiological studies of human cognition. During her postdoctoral research at Yale
RapidMiner, formerly YALE , is an environment for machine learning, data mining, text mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. It is used for research, education, training, rapid prototyping, application development, and industrial applications...

, and Harvard (1992-1994), she was involved in some of the first brain-imaging studies of cognitive functions in the human brain
Human brain
The human brain has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is over three times larger than the brain of a typical mammal with an equivalent body size. Estimates for the number of neurons in the human brain range from 80 to 120 billion...

. Prior to her current appointment, she was McDonnell Pew Lecturer in Cognitive Neuroscience and the Astor and Todd Bird Junior Research Fellow at New College (1994-1996). She currently serves on the advisory board of NeuroFocus
NeuroFocus, Inc. is an American multinational neuromarketing company with locations in London, Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Bogotá, New York, and Dallas. Headquartered in Berkeley, CA, NeuroFocus combines neuroscience research with consulting and marketing practices. NeuroFocus is the “global market...

, a Berkeley, California based neuromarketing
Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing that studies consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain, electroencephalography and...



Nobre uses multiple and complementary non-invasive brain-imaging methods (FMRI, ERP
Event-related potential
An event-related potential is any measured brain response that is directly the result of a thought or perception. More formally, it is any stereotyped electrophysiological response to an internal or external stimulus....

EEG commonly refers to electroencephalography, a measurement of the electrical activity of the brain.EEG may also refer to:* Emperor Entertainment Group, a Hong Kong-based entertainment company...

- Organizations :* The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, a professional organization for materials scientists and engineers* Texas Memory Systems, a manufacturer of solid-state drives...

), combined with behavioural studies, in order to explore and understand the neural systems that support cognitive functions in the human brain. In particular, much of her work investigates 'attentional orienting': how the brain generates moment-to-moment predictions about events to unfold in order to optimise perception and action. Other topics in her research include the representation of time, how words and objects acquire meaning, and the influence of motivation over perception.

External links

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