Anomoea is a genus of leaf beetles in the subfamily Cryptocephalinae
Cryptocephalinae is a subfamily of the leaf beetles , and belong to the group of case-bearing leaf beetles called the Camptosomata.The Chlamisini and Clytrini were formerly considered subfamilies of their own.-External links:*...

. The name is frequently confused with the tephritid fly
Tephritidae is one of two fly families referred to as "fruit flies", the other family being Drosophilidae. Tephritidae does not include the biological model organisms of the genus Drosophila , which is often called the "common fruit fly". There are nearly 5,000 described species of tephritid...

 genus Anomoia
Anomoia is a genus of tephritid or fruit flies in the family Tephritidae. The name is frequently misspelled as Anomoea, though the latter is a beetle genus....

, due to historical confusion over precedence.
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