Apex complex
Apex complex is a Paleo-Indian cultural tradition of the Middle Archaic period. Apex complex artifacts, dated from about 3000 to 500 BC, first appeared in the Magic Mountain Site
Magic Mountain Site
The Magic Mountain Site is an Archaic and Woodland village site in Jefferson County, Colorado dating from 4999 BC to 1000 AD. The site was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1980....

 near Apex Creek. The Irwins, archaeologists at Magic Mountain, believe that the artifacts are from ancestors of Puebloan people of the American southwest. The cultural complex is distinguished by its Apex projectile points. Evidence of a few grave sites suggest that burials were conducted near their living areas, covered with stones and milling slabs.

See also

  • Prehistory of Colorado
    Prehistory of Colorado
    Prehistory of Colorado provides an overview of the activities that occurred prior to Colorado's recorded history. Colorado experienced cataclysmic geological events over billions of years. The way the events occurred in Colorado, though, shaped our land and ecosystems...

  • List of prehistoric sites in Colorado
  • Cody complex
    Cody complex
    The Cody complex is a Paleo-Indian culture group first identified at a bison antiquus kill site near Cody, Wyoming in 1951.The tradition is generally attributed to the North American, primarily in the High Plains portion of the American Great Plains. The discovery of the Cody complex broadened the...

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