Appleseed (OVA)
is a cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is a postmodern and science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life." The name is a portmanteau of cybernetics and punk, and was originally coined by Bruce Bethke as the title of his short story "Cyberpunk," published in 1983...

-style anime
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....

 OVA that takes place in the future. The anime, produced by Bandai Visual
Bandai Visual
, is a Japanese anime, film production and distribution enterprise, established by Bandai Co., Ltd. and a subsidiary of Namco Bandai Holdings, Inc., which is based in Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Since the reorganisation of Namco Bandai Holdings in 2006, Bandai Visual now heads the group's Visual and...

 in 1988, is an adaptation of the manga, Appleseed created by Masamune Shirow
Masamune Shirow
is an internationally renowned manga artist, born on November 23, 1961.Masamune Shirow is a pen name, based on a famous swordsmith, Masamune. He is best known for the manga Ghost in the Shell, which has since been turned into two theatrical anime movies, two anime TV series, an anime TV movie, and...

. The anime departs from the manga's storyline and primarily has only the setting and characters in common. It is not to be confused with the 2004 film partially also based on the manga.


After World War 3 the General Management Control Office construct an experimental city known as Olympus inhabited by humans, cyborgs and bioroids.

Bioroids are a genetically engineered being created to serve mankind. They run all administration of Olympus. Olympus was meant to be a utopian society. But for some it is less of a utopia and more of a cage. Calon Mautholos, an Olympus city police officer, is one of these people.


Calon secretly conspires with a terrorist, A. J. Sebastian, to destroy Gaia, a super computer that runs Olympus. Out to stop them are Olympus city police ESWAT (Enhanced SWAT) team members Deunan Knute and Briareos Hecatonchires. Deunan and Briareos are determined to stop the terrorist plot by any means necessary.


Briareos is a cyborg, mostly human but with enhanced physical strength and an integrated head/helmet, with multiple camera eyes. The most obvious feature are the long sensor antennae which resemble the ears of a rabbit, but which hold such things as a camera eye which allows him to see around corners without exposing himself. They are hinged at the base, and move in response to Briareos' mood.

Deunan is a natural human. However, she is skilled in operating her "Guges"-model "Landmate," an exoskeleton-armor powersuit, more powerful and responsive than the standard police-issue "Cadmos" Landmates, and the only type which can take the punishment which she gives.

Calon, a natural human like Deunan, is a friend of hers and of Briareos, but he has become disenchanted with life in Olympus following the suicide of his wife, an artist who felt stifled by the pre-programmed environment. Calon becomes bitter, and believes that it is his duty to "free" natural humans from this unnatural environment.

A. J. Sebastian is also a foreign cyborg, with enhanced strength and interchangeable limbs, whose mission is to steal a huge, flying armored tank (called the Multi-ped Cannon) and deliver it to a strike force which flies across the border in support.

He and Calon have plotted to disable Gaia, the computer system which controls Olympus' infrastructure, including the override circuits which safeguard Multi-ped Cannon.

To do so, they stage a raid on the facility where bioroids are created, creating havoc by killing and by arson. However, it is discovered that the attack is just a cover for stealing information on one particular bioroid, Hitomi, a friend of Deunan and Briareos, whose DNA is the genetic key which will cause Gaia to shut down. The "locks" are a handful of kiosks, scattered across the city, and the city director orders all but one destroyed, and a heavy guard placed around the one which remains.

Sebastian converts to his full-military configuration and steals Multi-ped Cannon, while Calon—wearing a Cadmos suit which has been made faster through the removal of half the armor—takes Hitomi to the one surviving kiosk. With his faster suit, he is able to get her to the portal, through a hail of gunfire which goes through the decreased armor. As Calon dies, a terrified, confused Hitomi backs into the kiosk, launching the shutdown process.

To cover his theft of the Multi-ped Cannon, Sebastian uses the tank and its weapons to cause damage in the city, while the director and Deunan rush to try to restart Gaia, by destroying the circuit module which keeps the system offline. Unfortunately, Deunan's pistol is damaged and her right (shooting) hand is injured by the databank defense system. The director hands over her own pistol, trusting Deunan's skill more than her own, even with an unfamiliar weapon and shooting left-handed.

With her last round of ammunition, Deunan is able to hit the module with pistol fire, and Gaia immediately disables the Multi-ped Cannon. Sebastian is killed, Calon is mourned, and life goes on.


  • Deunan Knute
    Deunan Knute
    is a character and the main protagonist from the science fiction manga Appleseed and its adaptations in anime. Along with her partner Briareos Hecatonchires, she is one of ESWAT's most important members. Known for her tendency to anger and lack of patience, Deunan is still widely appreciated by her...

    - Masako Katsuki
    Masako Katsuki
    is a Japanese voice actress who was born in Hachinohe, Aomori. Formerly from Theater Echo, she is currently employed by 81 Produce and has voiced in several notable films and tv series...

  • Briareos Hecatonchires
    Briareos Hecatonchires
    is a character from Masamune Shirow's Appleseed manga and its adaptations in anime. He is one of the two protagonists of the series, the other being Deunan Knute. Briareos is a trained ESWAT officer, his point man is Deunan. They met in her father's SWAT unit before World War III broke out....

    - Yoshisada Sakaguchi
    Yoshisada Sakaguchi
    is a Japanese actor and voice actor from Tokyo. He is a professor at Obirin University, and is affiliated with Bungakuza.-Television drama:*Aoi Tokugawa Sandai *Katsu Kaishū *Kōmyō Gatsuji...

  • Athena Areios - Toshiko Sawada
    Toshiko Sawada
    is a Japanese voice actor who works for Haikyo.-Anime:*Appleseed *Minky Momo *Maison Ikkoku *Minky Momo Tabidachi no Eki *Mobile Suit Gundam...

  • Nike - Kumiko Takizawa
    Kumiko Takizawa
    is a Japanese voice actress who works for 81 Produce.-Notable voice roles:*Makiko Shikishima in Tetsujin 28-go *Midori Kurenai in Hell Girl*Hazuki's Grandmother in Ojamajo Doremi*Sawako Sawanoguchi in Magic User's Club...

  • Hitomi - Mayumi Shou


  • Deunan Knute - Larissa Murray
  • Briareos Hecatonchires - William Roberts
  • Athena Areios - Lorelei King
    Lorelei King
    Lorelei King is a United States-born actress who has been based in the United Kingdom since 1981. She has narrated audiobooks, acted in radio plays for BBC Radio 4 and appeared on television.- Early life :...

  • Nike - Alison Dowling
  • Hitomi - Julia Brahms
    Julia Brahms
    Julia Brahms is an English voice over actress who specializes in dubs of Japanese anime.-Selected filmography:* Project A-ko - C-ko * Venus in Furs - Wanda * Appleseed - Hitomi...

  • Calon Mautholos (Karon) - Alan Marriott
    Alan Marriott (voice actor)
    Alan Marriott is an improv comedian, improv instructor, writer and voice actor.Alan moved to Vancouver, British Columbia in 1980 to attend the Studio 58 acting school. He left Studio 58 to join the first season of Salmon Arm Summer Stock Youth Theatre and did two seasons with the company...

     (As David Reynolds)
  • Lt. Bronx - Jesse Vogel
  • A.J. Sebastian - Vincent Marzello
    Vincent Marzello
    Vincent Marzello is an American actor.He is of Italian ancestry. He has been active on screen since 1976 in North America and Europe, his first role being in an episode of The Brothers...


Chris Beveridge of gave the OVA a B- stating "The plot, though simplistic, does work fairly well as a sidestory for the manga."
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