Arcuate artery of the foot
The arcuate artery of the foot (metatarsal artery) arises a little anterior to the lateral tarsal artery
Lateral tarsal artery
The lateral tarsal artery arises from the dorsalis pedis, as that vessel crosses the navicular bone; it passes in an arched direction lateralward, lying upon the tarsal bones, and covered by the Extensor digitorum brevis; it supplies this muscle and the articulations of the tarsus, and anastomoses...

; it passes lateralward, over the bases of the metatarsal bones, beneath the tendons of the Extensor digitorum brevis, its direction being influenced by its point of origin; and its anastomoses with the lateral tarsal and lateral plantar arteries.

This vessel gives off the second, third, and fourth dorsal metatarsal arteries
Dorsal metatarsal arteries
The arcuate artery of the foot gives off the second, third, and fourth dorsal metatarsal arteries, which run forward upon the corresponding Interossei dorsales; in the clefts between the toes, each divides into two dorsal digital branches for the adjoining toes.At the proximal parts of the...


It is not present in all individuals.

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