Arild Gjengedal
Arild Gjengedal is a Norwegian academic and politician for the Conservative Party
Conservative Party of Norway
The Conservative Party is a Norwegian political party. The current leader is Erna Solberg. The party was since the 1920s consistently the second largest party in Norway, but has been surpassed by the growth of the Progress Party in the late 1990s and 2000s...


He served as a deputy representative to the Norwegian Parliament from Telemark
is a county in Norway, bordering Vestfold, Buskerud, Hordaland, Rogaland and Aust-Agder. The county administration is in Skien. Until 1919 the county was known as Bratsberg amt.-Location:...

 during the term 1985–1989.

He is a former rector of Telemark University College
Telemark University College
Telemark University College is the fourth largest university college in Norway. The University College has about 5000 students. It is split between four different locations. The campuses are located in Bø, Notodden, Porsgrunn and Rauland.-Hierarchy:The university college is organised into four...

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