Ariyanayagipuram is a gram panchayats
Gram panchayat
Gram panchayats are local self-governments at the village or small town level in India. As of 2002 there were about 265,000 gram panchayats in India. The gram panchayat is the foundation of the Panchayat System. A gram panchayat can be set up in villages with minimum population of 300...

 in Thoothukudi district (also known as Tuticorin district) in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is one of the 28 states of India. Its capital and largest city is Chennai. Tamil Nadu lies in the southernmost part of the Indian Peninsula and is bordered by the union territory of Pondicherry, and the states of Kerala, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh...



There are two schools in Ariyanayagipuram, namely Government High School and Pariyathul hazanath elementary school (Which located at heart of the town). There are around 8 village students are studying at Ariyanayagipuram's Schools.After completing the high school, students generally goes to nearby town Vilathikulam for higher secondary school which is run by Government. Nowadays people want their children to study in private schools. So, they prefer either Tuticorin or Kovilpatti for education.Nearby village Reddiyapatti,Nearby town Vilathikulam.
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