Arne Kokkvoll
Arne Kokkvoll was a Norwegian historian, libRarian/archivist and politician for the Labour Party
Norwegian Labour Party
The Labour Party is a social-democratic political party in Norway. It is the senior partner in the current Norwegian government as part of the Red-Green Coalition, and its leader, Jens Stoltenberg, is the current Prime Minister of Norway....


He was born at Kokkvollen in Røros
is a town and municipality in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway. It is part of the Gauldalen region. The administrative centre of the municipality is the town of Røros. Other villages include Brekken, Glåmos, Feragen, Galåa, and Hitterdalen....

, and took the cand.philol. degree in 1957. His master's thesis was about Johannes Nesse
Johannes Nesse
Johannes Jeremias "Johs." Nesse was a Norwegian newspaper editor.He became an editor in Aftenposten in 1928, and was promoted to editor-in-chief in 1930. In 1941, following the milk strike, Nesse was promptly fired together with Torolv Kandahl, but the occupying Nazi authorities who had taken...

, and it was published later as a book. Kokkvoll worked as a teacher and was a research assistant
Research assistant
A research assistant is a researcher employed, often on a temporary contract, by a university or a research institute, for the purpose of assisting in academic research...

 at the Norwegian Institute of Local History
Norwegian Institute of Local History
Norwegian Institute of Local History is an agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs. It was established in 1955. Its purposes are to "encourage and promote local and regional history" in Norway and to "stimulate a high professional and pedagogical level of research in...

 before being hired as director of the Labour Movement Archive and Library. He held this post until 1987, and was also acting docent
Docent is a title at some European universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks below professor . Docent is also used at some universities generically for a person who has the right to teach...

 at the University of Trondheim from 1976 to 1978. He was later the director of Olavsgruva Museum in Røros.

He was also a leader of the Norwegian Movement for Vietnam
Norwegian Movement for Vietnam
The Norwegian Movement for Vietnam was a Norwegian advocacy group.Its purpose was to convey friendship and solidarity with "people of Indochina", opposing the Vietnam War. It was created in January 1968 as an offshoot of the Norwegian Solidarity Committee for Vietnam, which had been hijacked by...

 from 1969 to 1972, and he led Oslo Arbeidersamfunn from 1966 to 1967. From 1988 to 1991 he was the mayor of Røros, representing the Labour Party.

Kokkvoll was not a prolific writer, but held many lectures, especially for the labour movement. He published Av og for det arbeidende folket in 1981, and he was the editor for the six-volume work Arbeiderbevegelsens historie i Norge
Arbeiderbevegelsens historie i Norge
Arbeiderbevegelsens historie i Norge is a six-volume work about the labour movement history of Norway. It was released between 1985 and 1990 by Tiden Norsk Forlag....

, released between 1985 and 1990.
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