Arnold Heredia
Arnold Heredia was born in Karachi
Karachi is the largest city, main seaport and the main financial centre of Pakistan, as well as the capital of the province of Sindh. The city has an estimated population of 13 to 15 million, while the total metropolitan area has a population of over 18 million...

, Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...

 in 1940. He attended the Christ the King Seminary (Pakistan)
Christ the King Seminary (Pakistan)
Christ the King Seminary is a Roman Catholic seminary in Karachi. It is located adjacent to the Portiuncula Friary. In its early years most of the faculty were provided by the Franciscans....

 and was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi in 1965. Among his pastoral work he served tribal people in the interior of Sindh
Sindh historically referred to as Ba'ab-ul-Islam , is one of the four provinces of Pakistan and historically is home to the Sindhi people. It is also locally known as the "Mehran". Though Muslims form the largest religious group in Sindh, a good number of Christians, Zoroastrians and Hindus can...


In 1969 Father Heredia founded the Pakistan Christian Industrial Service in collaboration with Lee Lybarger and others.

Inspired by the collaboration within the Christian Conference of Asia
Christian Conference of Asia
The Christian Conference of Asia is a regional ecumenical organisation representing 17 National Councils and 100 denominations in 21 countries:- Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan,...

 (CCA), he helped establish Idara-e-Amn-o-Insaf
The Idara-e-Aman-o Insaf was set up in 1974 by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi and the Church of Pakistan in Karachi. The organisation serves the people irrespective of tribe, clan, colour or creed...

 (justice and peace commission) in 1972. While at St. Francis Parish, Karachi, he launched a program on adult education and social development. He also published a monthly Urdu-language pamphlet, "Sawera" (dawn) which, later on, developed into "Jafakash," the Idara's magazine for workers.

In recognition of his commitment to the cause of human rights in Pakistan, Father Heredia has been elected a member of the Central Committee of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan , or HRCP, is an independent, non-profit organization, founded in 1987, which is not associated or affiliated with the government or any political party. It is committed to act with impartiality and objectivity in all matters...

in 1988.

Father Heredia has also served as Rector of the Christ the King Seminary.

A book written by Father Heredia, "Lok Tanzeem Sazi" (organizing people) was published in 2000.

Fr. Heredia, was among 17 protestors arrested and detained in Karachi on 10 January, 2001. He was taking part in an anti-"Blasphemy Laws" protest held under the auspices of the All Faith Spiritual Movement in Karachi. He was released on 17 January 2001.

Since 2005 he has been serving as the Parish Priest of Saint Peter’s Church, Epping, Australia.
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