Arnold Modell
Arnold Modell is a clinical professor of social psychiatry
Social psychiatry
Social psychiatry is a branch of psychiatry that focuses on the "interpersonal" and cultural context of mental disorder and mental wellbeing. It involves a sometimes disparate set of theories and approaches, with work stretching from epidemiological survey research on the one hand, to an indistinct...

 at the Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School is the graduate medical school of Harvard University. It is located in the Longwood Medical Area of the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts....

 and a supervising and training analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute is a psychoanalytic research, training, education facility that is affiliated with the American Psychoanalytic Association and the International Psychoanalytic Association...

. He received his bachelor's degree from Columbia College in 1945 . Modell is the author of The Private Self (1996), Other Times, Other Realities: Toward a Theory of Psychoanalytic Treatment (1996), and Imagination and the Meaningful Brain (2006).

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