Arthur Humbles
Albert Arthur Humbles was an English cyclist who set the world endurance cycling record by covering 36,007 miles during the calender year of 1932. He broke the previous best mark that had stood since Marcel Planes completed 34,366 miles in 1911 in response to Cycling
Cycling Weekly
Cycling Weekly is a British cycling magazine. It is published by IPC Media and is devoted to the sport and past-time of cycling. It is affectionately referred to by British club cyclists as "The Comic".-History:...

magazine's 'Century Competition'.

In 1933, Humbles entered the Golden Book of Cycling
Golden Book of Cycling
The Golden Book of Cycling was created in 1932 by Cycling, a British cycling magazine,to celebrate "the Sport and Pastime of Cycling by recording the outstanding rides, deeds and accomplishments of cyclists, officials and administrators." There exists only a single copy of this compendium of...

 as the greatest long-distance rider in the world. He rode 36007 mi (57,947.5 km) in a year, averaging 100.019 miles per day for the 360 days that he rode.

Personal life

Humbles lived in North London during the time of his record bid. In later life he ran a bicycle shop on Bridge Street in Whitby
Whitby is a seaside town, port and civil parish in the Scarborough borough of North Yorkshire, England. Situated on the east coast of Yorkshire at the mouth of the River Esk, Whitby has a combined maritime, mineral and tourist heritage, and is home to the ruins of Whitby Abbey where Caedmon, the...

, Yorkshire.

World endurance record

In 1911 the weekly magazine Cycling
Cycling Weekly
Cycling Weekly is a British cycling magazine. It is published by IPC Media and is devoted to the sport and past-time of cycling. It is affectionately referred to by British club cyclists as "The Comic".-History:...

began a competition for the greatest distance cycled in a single year. The first holder was Marcel Planes of France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, with 34666 miles (55,789.4 km). The record has been established nine times. A tenth claim, by the English rider Ken Webb
Ken Webb
Ken Webb is an English cyclist who at 42 claimed the world record for distance cycled in a year. He calculated he passed the 75,065 miles set by another Briton, Tommy Godwin on 7 August 1972 and that he finished the year with 80,647. He rode on to claim the record for 100,000 miles in 448 days...

, was later disallowed.Ken Webb's claim was for 80647 miles (129,788.4 km) in 1972. Webb insisted he had completed the distance but others said he hadn't and he was removed from the Guinness Book of Records.
Year Record holder Country Distance
1911 Marcel Planes 34666 miles (55,789.4 km)
1932 Arthur Humbles 36007 miles (57,947.5 km)
1933 Ossie Nicholson 43966 miles (70,756.2 km)
1936 Walter Greaves  45383 miles (73,036.7 km)
1937 Bernard Bennett 45801 miles (73,709.4 km)
1937 René Menzies
René Menzies
René Menzies was a French long-distance cyclist who at 48 held a record for the greatest distance ridden on a bicycle in a year. He rode 61,561 miles in 1937. He was decorated with the Croix de Guerre in the first world war and was chauffeur to the French leader, Charles de Gaulle in the second...

61561 miles (99,072.6 km)
1937 Ossie Nicholson 62657 miles (100,836.4 km)
1939 Bernard Bennett 65127 miles (104,811.5 km)
1939 Tommy Godwin
Tommy Godwin (cyclist born 1912)
Tommy Godwin, was an English cyclist who holds the world cycling records for miles covered in a year and the fastest completion of ....

75065 miles (120,805.1 km)

Humbles wanted to demonstrate that an ordinary clubman could break the long-standing world endurance record, so in 1932 cycling became a full-time occupation.

His daily average for 360 days was 100.019 miles per day for the 360 days that he rode. His longest ride in a single day was 172 miles and the shortest was 35 miles. His usual routes were out of London along the Great North Road, the Cambridge Road and the Newmarket Road. He also toured England and Wales, visiting places such as Alnwick
Alnwick is a small market town in north Northumberland, England. The town's population was just over 8000 at the time of the 2001 census and Alnwick's district population was 31,029....

, Clovelly
Clovelly is a village in the Torridge district of Devon, England. It is a major tourist attraction, famous for its history and beauty, its extremely steep car-free cobbled main street, donkeys, and its location looking out over the Bristol Channel. Thick woods shelter it and render the climate so...

, Bury St. Edmunds
Bury St. Edmunds
Bury St Edmunds is a market town in the county of Suffolk, England, and formerly the county town of West Suffolk. It is the main town in the borough of St Edmundsbury and known for the ruined abbey near the town centre...

 and Bere Regis
Bere Regis
Bere Regis is a village in the Purbeck district of Dorset, England, situated north-west of Wareham.The village has one shop, a post office and two pubs, The Royal Oak and The Drax Arms. The parish church is St. John the Baptist Church...


He broke Marcel Planes' record by riding the 34,367th mile through Hyde Park
Hyde Park, London
Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.The park is divided in two by the Serpentine...

, London, on December 11, reportedly followed by 3,000 cyclists.

The Golden Book

Humbles' achievements were celebrated in 1933 when Cycling Weekly
Cycling Weekly
Cycling Weekly is a British cycling magazine. It is published by IPC Media and is devoted to the sport and past-time of cycling. It is affectionately referred to by British club cyclists as "The Comic".-History:...

 awarded him his own page in the Golden Book of Cycling
Golden Book of Cycling
The Golden Book of Cycling was created in 1932 by Cycling, a British cycling magazine,to celebrate "the Sport and Pastime of Cycling by recording the outstanding rides, deeds and accomplishments of cyclists, officials and administrators." There exists only a single copy of this compendium of...

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