Asilinae is a large subfamily of the family Asilidae
Insects in the Diptera family Asilidae are commonly called robber flies. The family Asilidae contains about 7,100 described species worldwide....

. It includes over 100 genera.


Asilinae Genus
  • Asilus Linnaeus
    Carolus Linnaeus
    Carl Linnaeus , also known after his ennoblement as , was a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology...

    Systema Naturae
    The book was one of the major works of the Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carolus Linnaeus. The first edition was published in 1735...

  • Dysmachus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1860
  • Eccritosia
  • Efferia
  • Eutolmus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1848
  • Machimus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1849
  • Megaphorus
  • Mallophora
  • Neoitamus Osten Sacken
    Karl Robert Osten-Sacken
    Baron Karl-Robert von Osten-Sacken was a Russian diplomat and entomologist. He served as the Russian consul general in New York during the American Civil War, living in the United States from 1856 to 1877....

    , 1878
  • Neomochtherus Osten Sacken
    Karl Robert Osten-Sacken
    Baron Karl-Robert von Osten-Sacken was a Russian diplomat and entomologist. He served as the Russian consul general in New York during the American Civil War, living in the United States from 1856 to 1877....

    , 1878
  • Ommatius
    Ommatius is a genus of robber flies. It is part of the subfamily Asilinae, containing the following species:*Ommatius abana Curran, 1953*Ommatius abdelkuriensis Scarbrough, 2002*Ommatius achaetus Scarbrough, 1994...

  • Pamponerus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1849
  • Philonicus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1849
  • Polacantha
  • Proctacanthella
  • Promachus
    Promachus (genus)
    Promachus is a genus of robber flies. It is part of the subfamily Asilinae.-Species List:*P. rufipes Fabricius, 1775*P. vertebratus Say, 1823*P. yesonicus Bigot, 1887...

  • Rhadiurgus Loew
    Hermann Loew
    Friedrich Hermann Loew was a German entomologist who specialised in the study of Diptera, an order of insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats and midges...

    , 1849
  • Triorla
  • Tolmerus
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