Assahra Al Maghribiya
Assahra Al Maghribiya is a daily arabophone Moroccan
Morocco , officially the Kingdom of Morocco , is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of more than 32 million and an area of 710,850 km², and also primarily administers the disputed region of the Western Sahara...

 newspaper of Maroc Soir Group
Maroc Soir Group
Maroc Soir Group is a pro government media publishing company based in Casablanca, Morocco.The group chairman and owner is Othman Al Omeir, a former businessman and editor-in-chief of the Arab Asharq Alawsat.-Newspapers:* Assahra Al Maghribiya - in...

It is the sister publication of the royalist
Monarchism is the advocacy of the establishment, preservation, or restoration of a monarchy as a form of government in a nation. A monarchist is an individual who supports this form of government out of principle, independent from the person, the Monarch.In this system, the Monarch may be the...

The adjective francophone means French-speaking, typically as primary language, whether referring to individuals, groups, or places. Often, the word is used as a noun to describe a natively French-speaking person....

 Le Matin
Le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb
Le Matin du Sahara et du Maghreb is a daily francophone Moroccan newspaper. It belongs to Maroc Soir Group.The newspaper is known for its royalist stances....

, the hispanophone
Hispanophone or Hispanosphere denotes Spanish language speakers and the Spanish-speaking world. The word derives from the Latin political name of the Iberian Peninsula, Hispania, which comprised basically the territory of the modern states of Spain and Portugal.Hispanophones are estimated at...

 La Mañana and the online Anglophone
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

 newspaper Morocco Times
Morocco Times
The Morocco Times was an English language Moroccan Internet-based newspaper, the first of its kind. It was started on November 22, 2004, and was owned by the Maroc Soir Group, a publishing house that owns several of Morocco's major newspapers...

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