Auction school
Auction School refers to an institution or course of study that prepares one to practice auctioneering or trains one to become an auctioneer. Many U.S. states require that an individual attend an approved auction school in order to practice auctioneering within that state. Regardless of the legal requirement Auction School prepares students to practice auctioneering, conduct auctions, prepare contracts, prospecting and auction marketing. Many North American Auctions are open outcry auctions and American auction schools often teach students how to bid call in the open outcry setting. Schools teach skills including the development of an auction chant
Auction chant
Auction chant is a rhythmic repetition of numbers and "filler words" spoken by an auctioneer in the process of conducting an auction. The auction chant is a repetition of two numbers at a time which indicate the monetary amount involved with the sale of an item...


North American Auction Schools

International Auction Schools

  • Fountain Auction Academy (Australia)
  • South African College of Auctioneers
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