Australian referendum, 1974 (Democratic Elections)
The Constitution Alteration (Democratic Elections) 1974 was a question put to referendum
A referendum is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a law, the recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. It is a form of...

 in the Australian referendum, 1974
Australian referendum, 1974
The 1974 Australian Referendum was held on 18 May 1974. It contained four referendum questions.* Simultaneous Elections * Mode of Altering the Constitution * Democratic Elections ...

, and sought to modify the method of determining the size of electorate
Electorate may refer to:* voters, people entitled to vote in an election* electoral district or constituency, the geographic area of a particular election* The dominion of a Prince-elector in the Holy Roman Empire...

s within each state, from being based on the number of voters in the total population to allow members of Parliament
Parliament of Australia
The Parliament of Australia, also known as the Commonwealth Parliament or Federal Parliament, is the legislative branch of the government of Australia. It is bicameral, largely modelled in the Westminster tradition, but with some influences from the United States Congress...

 to be appointed by direct vote.


Proposed law entitled "An Act to alter the Constitution so as to ensure that the members of the House of Representatives and of the parliaments of the states are chosen directly and democratically by the people".

Do you approve the proposed law?
State On
For Against Informal
% %
New South Wales 2,834,558 2,702,903 1,345,983 %50.55 1,316,837 %49.45 40,083
Victoria 2,161,474 2,070,893 970,903 %47.71 1,064,023 %52.29 35,967
Queensland 1,154,762 1,098,401 474,337 %43.70 611,135 %56.30 12,929
South Australia 750,308 722,434 310,839 %44.11 393,857 %55.89 17,738
Western Australia 612,016 577,989 241,946 %42.86 322,587 %57.14 13,456
Tasmania 246,596 237,891 95,463 %40.81 138,430 %59.19 3,998
Total for Commonwealth 7,759,714 7,410,511 3,439,471 %47.20 3,846,869 %52.80 124,171
Obtained majority in one State and an overall minority
of 407,398 votes.
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