Auxiliary Bishop of Rome
An Auxiliary Bishop of Rome is an auxiliary bishop
Auxiliary bishop
An auxiliary bishop, in the Roman Catholic Church, is an additional bishop assigned to a diocese because the diocesan bishop is unable to perform his functions, the diocese is so extensive that it requires more than one bishop to administer, or the diocese is attached to a royal or imperial office...

 of the Roman Catholic church
Roman Catholic Church
The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with over a billion members. Led by the Pope, it defines its mission as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, administering the sacraments and exercising charity...

, fulfilling episcopal duties for the diocese of Rome
Diocese of Rome
The Diocese of Rome is a diocese of the Catholic Church in Rome, Italy. The bishop of Rome is the Pope, who is the Supreme Pontiff and leader of the Catholic Church...

 in lieu of its diocesan bishop (ie the pope
The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, a position that makes him the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church . In the Catholic Church, the Pope is regarded as the successor of Saint Peter, the Apostle...

). Appointees have included Giuseppi Angelini
Giuseppi Angelini (bishop)
Giuseppi Angelini was an Italian bishop. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Rome and titular archbishop of Corinthus on 21 December 1868, and also served as Council Father to the First Vatican Council.-Source:...

, Ettore Cunial
Ettore Cunial
Ettore Cunial was an Italian prelate.Born at born at Possagno in the Province of Treviso, Cunial was ordained priest in 1929. In 1953, his appointment for Titular Archbishop of Soteropolis and Vicegerent of Rome followed...

, Fiorenzo Angelini, Clemente Riva and Enzo Dieci
Enzo Dieci
Enzo Dieci is an Italian prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, who has left Rome in dec. 2009 and currently serves at 35 km from Lima in the Church of the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus....

. A comparable office is that of the Bishop of Dover
Bishop of Dover
The Bishop of Dover is an episcopal title used by a suffragan bishop of the Church of England Diocese of Canterbury, England. The title takes its name after the town of Dover in Kent...

 as related to the Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and the diocesan bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury. In his role as head of the Anglican Communion, the archbishop leads the third largest group...

 in the Church of England
Church of England
The Church of England is the officially established Christian church in England and the Mother Church of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The church considers itself within the tradition of Western Christianity and dates its formal establishment principally to the mission to England by St...

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