Avato is a settlement in the Xanthi peripheral unit of Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

. It is located 3 kilometers south southeast of Evlalo
Evlalo is a village and a community in the Xanthi peripheral unit of Thrace, Greece. The municipal seat of Topeiros, it is located 23 kilometers south-southwest of the city of Xanthi. In 2001, the population was 889 for the village, and 4,463 for the community...

 and 24.7 kilometers north northeast of Xanthi
Xanthi ; is a city in Thrace, northeastern Greece. It is the capital of the Xanthi peripheral unit of the periphery of East Macedonia and Thrace.-History:...

. In 1981, the population of Avato was around 1,048 inhabitants. In 1991, the population slightly declined to around 1,014 inhabitants. The settlement belongs to the municipality of Topeiros
Topeiros is a municipality in the Xanthi peripheral unit, Greece. Population 12,199 . The seat of the municipality is in Evlalo....


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