Aventurine SA
Aventurine SA is a Greek
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

 video game developer
Video game developer
A video game developer is a software developer that creates video games. A developer may specialize in a certain video game console, such as Nintendo's Wii, Microsoft's Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStation 3, or may develop for a variety of systems, including personal computers.Most developers also...

 and publisher
Video game publisher
A video game publisher is a company that publishes video games that they have either developed internally or have had developed by a video game developer....

. The company's first game, Darkfall
Darkfall is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Aventurine SA that combines real-time action and strategy in a fantasy setting. The game features unrestricted PvP, full looting, a large, dynamic game world, and a player-skill dependent combat system free of the class and...

(a massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world....

, also known as Darkfall Online), is currently active.
History and creation =
Aventurine absorbed all five members of the Norwegian company Razorwax who joined Tasos Flambouras , Spiros Iordanis and Jade El Mehdawi. Aventurine was officially founded in 2003 in Athens, Greece, ostensibly to create the technologies that make games like Darkfall Online
Darkfall is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Aventurine SA that combines real-time action and strategy in a fantasy setting. The game features unrestricted PvP, full looting, a large, dynamic game world, and a player-skill dependent combat system free of the class and...

 possible, and out of these, Darkfall was born. The game is currently under release for both North America and Europe.


Aventurine's core technology consists of their cutting edge real-time 3D Engine, a system of tools allowing users to create custom 3D environments and scenarios, and proprietary network technologies which allow the internetworking of thousands of simultaneous users inside graphically intensive 3D environments.

Current Commercial Projects

Darkfall Online: A groundbreaking subscription based Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game for the global market of online games. Darkfall
Darkfall is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Aventurine SA that combines real-time action and strategy in a fantasy setting. The game features unrestricted PvP, full looting, a large, dynamic game world, and a player-skill dependent combat system free of the class and...

 went live on February 25th 2009. It's self-published by Aventurine SA in North America and Europe. Most of Aventurine's resources are dedicated to the continued development of Darkfall
Darkfall is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Aventurine SA that combines real-time action and strategy in a fantasy setting. The game features unrestricted PvP, full looting, a large, dynamic game world, and a player-skill dependent combat system free of the class and...

 and the release of free expansions to the game.


Ground-breaking games can't be created without engaging in serious research. There's research happening at Aventurine every day but the company also participates in formal research initiatives in order to benefit from the collaborative research networks supported by European Union Frameworks. The following are some examples of what they've been doing so far:
  • Aventurine received development grants for Darkfall Online by the Hellenic Ministry of Development related to law 3299/2004 (Private Investment for Economic Growth and Regional Convergence)

  • The project "Development, Marketing and Distribution of the Subscription-Based Online Game Darkfall" was funded by the Information Society
    Information society
    The aim of the information society is to gain competitive advantage internationally through using IT in a creative and productive way. An information society is a society in which the creation, distribution, diffusion, use, integration and manipulation of information is a significant economic,...

     under Measure 4.3 "Advanced telecommunications services for the citizen", for the Action "Funding of Enterprises for Implementation of Advanced Broadband Services".

  • The Hellenic Secretariat of Research and Technology funded Aventurine's research proposal for the design and development of next generation 3D engine technologies.

  • Partner in a joint research proposal on Virtual Collaborative Environments with the University of Dublin, MIT's MediaLab Europe, Siemens, Fraunhofer-Gesellshcaft, and SINTEF Telecom and Informatics, under the EU Sixth Framework Programme's e-Inclusion research initiative.

  • Partner in a joint research proposal on the development, validation and promotion of a standard file format designed to support the efficient reuse of 3D data. Other partners include the Politecnico di Torino, Samtech Group, GiugaroSPA, CSA Spain, University of Dresden, Octaga, Living Solids, Instituto Technologico de Catilla y Leon. The research was part of the EU's Specific Targeted Research Projects.

External links

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