Azabs were irregular light infantry
Light infantry
Traditionally light infantry were soldiers whose job was to provide a skirmishing screen ahead of the main body of infantry, harassing and delaying the enemy advance. Light infantry was distinct from medium, heavy or line infantry. Heavy infantry were dedicated primarily to fighting in tight...

 of the Ottoman Army
Military of the Ottoman Empire
The history of military of the Ottoman Empire can be divided in five main periods. The foundation era covers the years between 1300 and 1453 , the classical period covers the years between 1451 and 1606 , the reformation period covers the years between 1606 and 1826 ,...


The Azaps were also known as "the bachelors", they were volunteers who were paid only during campaigns and had the freedom to leave the army whenever they wanted. The Azaps were initially only Anatolian Turks, though by the late 16th century any Muslim from an Ottoman province could enlist as an Azap. The main role of Azaps was fighting as infantry archers, although they were often mounted as well. In addition to jobs in the military many were also had jobs as guards.

As volunteers the Azaps had a wide range of weaponry. These include pole arms, such as the tirpan and harba as well as balta (halberd). In addition to pole arms they were armed with a variety of maces, bows, sabers and to a rarer extent crossbows. Later on guns were adopted instead.


The power and significance of the Azaps began to deteriorate as time went on. Despite once seen as rivals to the elite Janissary Ocak, by the 16th they were responsible for taking on smaller tasks such as carrying ammunition and sapping the enemy walls.

In the late 16th century all Muslim men could enlist. From every 20-30 households 1 man would join whilst the others supported him. The standard weaponry of an Azap of this era was a matchlock and a sabre.
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