Bagley Brook
The Bagley Brook is a small watercourse
A watercourse is any flowing body of water. These include rivers, streams, anabranches, and so forth.-See also:* physical geography* Environmental flow* Waterway* Hydrology* Wadi-External links:...

 that flows into the River Severn
River Severn
The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain, at about , but the second longest on the British Isles, behind the River Shannon. It rises at an altitude of on Plynlimon, Ceredigion near Llanidloes, Powys, in the Cambrian Mountains of mid Wales...

 at Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury is the county town of Shropshire, in the West Midlands region of England. Lying on the River Severn, it is a civil parish home to some 70,000 inhabitants, and is the primary settlement and headquarters of Shropshire Council...

 in Shropshire
Shropshire is a county in the West Midlands region of England. For Eurostat purposes, the county is a NUTS 3 region and is one of four counties or unitary districts that comprise the "Shropshire and Staffordshire" NUTS 2 region. It borders Wales to the west...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...


Its course has been severely altered by urban development in the area, such that the brook is now little known or seen. However its name is used for an official area name - Bagley
Bagley, Shrewsbury
Bagley is an area of Shrewsbury, county town of Shropshire. It is part urban, part rural and extends out from the town centre in a northwest direction. Though not clearly defined, it is often regarded as including Coton Hill, Greenfields and Gravelhill...

 - which is an electoral division of the county council and a ward of the town council.

The brook follows to some extent the old course of the River Severn. When the River Severn floods in a severe way, such as in November 2000, the area around the Bagley Brook also floods. Today the watercourse starts roughly where the Ellesmere Road (the A528) crosses the old course of the Severn, and runs through the marshy area at first in a southeasterly direction, then a southerly direction. It then runs through a cutting to the east of the Shrewsbury–Crewe railway line, eventually passing between a new housing development ("Ellesmere Grange") and a coal yard. It then enters a long underground culvert
A culvert is a device used to channel water. It may be used to allow water to pass underneath a road, railway, or embankment. Culverts can be made of many different materials; steel, polyvinyl chloride and concrete are the most common...

. The water discharges into the Severn at Chester Street, where the Gateway public building is, between Coton Hill and the town centre. Historically there was once a bridge to carry the road over the brook, but the watercourse now flows through a culvert from the north of the Shrewsbury–Chester railway line straight into the river and cannot now be seen at Chester Street.
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