Baron Von Porkchop
Baron Von Porkchop is the fictional host of Terrifying Tales of the Macabre, a horror host television show from Dayton, Ohio. Terrifying Tales of the Macabre is produced by Bloodline Video TV, a division of Bloodline Video (Dayton, Ohio) The show began airing on January 8, 2010 on DATV, Dayton's Public-access television
Public-access television
Public-access television is a form of non-commercial mass media where ordinary people can create content television programming which is cablecast through cable TV specialty channels...

 cable TV channel and is now in filming for its second season. The show currently also airs on the Miami Valley Cable Council (MVCC) and the Monster Channel. The Baron is played by Stephen Arthur Alexander II.


The Baron is joined by many sidekicks on his adventures that include
  • Baroness Von Porkchop - His lovely wife and Miss Slaughterhouse Queen three years in a row. The Baroness is smart and loyal to her husband and is the true brains of the Manor. She is played by Stephanie Stidham.
  • Bean - The Baron's best friend and butler, Bean is a hunchback and the one that gets in the most trouble with him. Bean is played by Bruce Lerma.
  • Sleazy Tom - Their next door neighbor who is a real ladies man, but who also has a heart of gold. Sleazy Tom is played by Max Ervin

Movies Shown

  • House on Haunted Hill
  • Driller Killer
  • Frankenstein 80
  • Ulysses against The Son of Hercules
  • Five Minutes to Live
  • Fury of The Wolf Man
  • Night Fright
  • Dr. Creep Shock Theater Clips

The Baron's Ball

On February 26, 2011, Baron Von Porkchop hosted a local rock concert in Dayton, OH called The Baron's Ball. It was the first of what was designed to be an annual event and featured live music from local bands including Todd the Fox, Henrique Couto and the Tallywacker Express, TEAM VOID and Jasper the Colossal.
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