Bastard Eyes
Bastard Eyes is a remix
A remix is an alternative version of a recorded song, made from an original version. This term is also used for any alterations of media other than song ....

 album from the band Zilch
Zilch (band)
Zilch is an alternative/industrial rock band formed in 1996 by Hideto "hide" Matsumoto , Ray McVeigh , Paul Raven , Joey Castillo and I.N.A...

. The tracks on this album are remixes, done by numerous different bands and artists, of the songs from their debut album, 3.2.1.
3.2.1. is the debut album of the band Zilch and was released on July 23, 1998. Unlike front man hide's earlier solo albums, 3.2.1. relies entirely on English lyrics, some of the tracks are re-recordings of songs that he had released solo or with his previous band, X Japan...

. It was released on March 3, 1999.


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