Battle of Piva Forks
The Battle of Piva Forks, also known as the Battle of Numa Numa Trail, was an engagement during the Bougainville campaign in World War II
, and occurred from 18-25 November 1943 on Bougainville Island
in the South Pacific
between the United States Marine Corps
, United States Army
and Imperial Japanese Army
, patrols reported sporadic enemy contacts and documents obtained from a Japanese officer who was killed in an ambush, included a detail of Japanese dispositions in the area and showed that the Japanese had set up a road block on both the Numa-Numa Trail
and the East-West Trail
. General Roy Geiger set in place the expansion of the beachhead perimeter to the Inland Defense Line Easy and specified the defensive line to be obtained by 20 November 1943. Patrols on 18 November discovered an enemy road block on the Numa Numa Trail about 1000 yd (914.4 m) yards in front of the beachhead perimeter lines, while another patrol found a road block halfway between the two branches of the Piva River along the East-West Trail.
With the roadblocks obstacles for the advance to the Inland Defense Line Easy, preparations were undertaken to remove these roadblocks by force. The 3rd Marine Raider Battalion was attached to the 3rd Marine Regiment for the attack on the East-West Trail roadblock, while the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
—under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ralph M. King—was detached to attack the Numa Numa Trail roadblock.
. An artillery barrage by the 12th Marine Regiment preceded the attack, which after the artillery fire had ceased the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment flanked the enemy position and routed the Japanese from their positions. Sixteen Japanese dead were found and with almost 100 foxholes located, it indicated that at least a reinforced company had occupied the position. A roadblock and a perimeter defense at the junction of the Numa Numa trail and the Piva River
was established to defend against any Japanese counterattack.
The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
and the 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment
also advanced to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment roadblock. The 3rd Marine Raiders also moved forward for support and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
—under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hector de Zayas—moved behind the Numa Numa trail roadblock and was sporadically shelled by the Japanese using 90 mm (3.54 in) mortar
On the morning of 20 November, the Japanese counterattacked and attempted to outflank the Marine positions along the Numa Numa Trail. The attack was driven back, taking up positions and then harassed the Marines with sniper fire and mortar fire. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment advanced towards the two forks of the Piva River, to clear the threat, and two light tanks were disabled during the close fighting along the trail. The 3rd Marine Raiders took up positions to cover the gap between the 129th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Marine Regiment as the front expanded.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment advanced across the west fork of the Piva River, to capture the Japanese positions between the two forks of the Piva River. A river crossing was made using a hastily constructed bridge of mahogany, constructed by engineers. Moving forward under light opposition from scattered snipers and several machine gun nests, the enemy outposts were discovered to have been abandoned and had been booby-trapped. The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment set up positions astride the East-West Trail between the two forks of the Piva River. The 21st Marine Regiment took up blocking positions behind the 3rd Marine Regiment.
Late in the afternoon of 20 November, a small, 400 ft (121.9 m) high ridge was discovered that would provide observation of the entire Empress Augusta Bay
area and dominated the East-West Trail and the Piva Forks area.The ridge was later named Cibik Ridge in honour of First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik, whose platoon held the ridge against repeated Japanese assaults. A platoon—under the command of First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik—was ordered to occupy the ridge with detachments of signals and a section of heavy machine guns. The trek began with a struggle up the steep ridge late in the afternoon, with signal wire being reeled out as the platoon climbed the ridge. Reaching the summit just before sunset, they set about establishing defensive positions, with machine guns sited along likely avenues of attack.
With daybreak on 21 November, it was discovered that the crest of the ridge was a Japanese outpost position, used during the day as an observation post and abandoned at night. Approaching Japanese soldiers who were preparing to take up positions were fired upon and they withdrew and fled down the hill. The enemy having regrouped and having been reinforced launched numerous attacks against Cibik's platoon, which itself had been reinforced by more machine guns and mortars, and was able to hold onto the crest despite fanatical attempts by the Japanese to reoccupy the position.
General Roy Geiger's expansion of the beachhead to Inland Defense Line Easy began at 07:30 on 21 November, with the gradual widening of the perimeter allowing the 21st Marine Regiment
, under the command of Colonel Evans O. Ames, to set up positions between the 3rd Marine Regiment and the 9th Marine Regiment. The 1st Battalion and 3rd Battalion of the 21st Marine Regiment led the way, crossed the Piva River without difficulty and by early afternoon had reached the designated defense line. On the extreme left flank, a reinforced platoon, was attacked by a strong Japanese patrol. The platoon was able to repulse the attack with heavy losses to the enemy, with important documents showing the Japanese defenses ahead obtained from the body of a dead Japanese officer.
Enemy resistance to the 3rd Marine Regiment advance was strong, with all three battalions engaged with the Japanese. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—having crossed the Piva River without trouble—advanced toward a slight rise and as the lead scouts came over the top of this ridge, the Japanese opened fire from reverse slope positions. The scouts—having been pinned down—held there positions while the rest of the battalion moved forward with a strong charge over the ridge and cleared the area of Japanese. Enemy 90 mm mortar fire then rained down on the men, who were forced to seek shelter foxholes which dotted the area. Suffering a number of casualties, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment decided to set up a defensive perimeter for the night.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment made a reconnaissance in force in front of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment positions, and came along a strong enemy position, with about 18-20 pillboxes, astride the East-West Trail near the east fork of the Piva River. An attack was launched against the roadblock and managed to pass through the first line of bunkers after heavy fighting at close range, but could make no further headway. Company E—attempting to flank the enemy positions to relieve the intense fire directed at Company G—was knocked back by the Japanese defenders. The enemy being organized in considerable depth, Lt. Col. de Zayas ordered a withdrawal to allow artillery to soften up the enemy positions.
The withdrawal was completed despite determined efforts by the Japanese to prevent the disengagement. After the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment had reentered the lines of 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, the Japanese attempted a pincer envelopment of the position held by the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, now under the command of Major Charles J. Bailey, Jr. The Japanese attacked along the obvious routes of approach down the East-West Trail, and the attack was beaten off by the machine guns sited along this route. One machine gun crew killed 74 out of 75 of the Japanese attackers within 20-30 yards of the gun. The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment then extended to the left toward the ridge occupied by the platoon led by First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik.
The 9th Marine Regiment crossed the Piva River took up defensive positions about 1000 yd (914.4 m) east of the Piva River, between the 21st Marine Regiment and the beach. The 129th Infantry Regiment also moved forward another 1000 yd (914.4 m) unopposed. A gap between the 21st Marine Regiment and the 3rd Marine Regiment existed due to map inaccuracies. The expansion of the perimeter was halted until a concerted attack to push the Japanese out of the strongly entrenched positions ahead.
Plans were drawn up to attack the enemy fortifications, which faced south due of the twists of the trail, from the west to east and preparations for the 24 November assault were undertaken. Tanks and supporting weapons were moved forward into positions behind the 3rd Marine Regiment along the inadequate roads. The Engineers and Seabees worked to extend the roads as close to the Piva River forks as possible, erecting bridges across the Piva River under intense sniper fire and harassment by enemy mortars. Large quantities of supplies of ammunition, rations, and medical supplies were sent forward via a relay system to the front lines. A medical station was established near the terminus of the road to facilitate evacuation of the wounded.
The 2nd Marine Raider Battalion was attached to the 3rd Marine Regiment during the 22 November and relived the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, which moved into reserve. The 3rd Marine Regiment's positions were; 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment in front, with 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment on the left of the trail and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment on the right. First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik's reinforced platoon holding the ridge in front of the perimeter, was reinforced with a company of Marine Raiders and a platoon from the 3rd Marines Weapons Company.
On 23 November, the 12th Marine Regiment's artillery observers moved to the crest of the ridge occupied by the force commanded by First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik, in preparation for the attack the next day. The Marines holding the front lines marked their positions with colored smoke grenades, and both artillery and mortars were then registered in the area ahead. The sighting rounds caused some confusion when several explosions occurred within the Marine positions. It was then realized that the Japanese were firing in return and using the same smoke signals for registration on the Marine lines.
Artillery fire from long-range enemy guns were also falling on Torokina Airfield
and a number of Landing Ship Tanks unloading near Cape Torokina
. The forward artillery observers shifted registration fires toward several likely artillery positions and the enemy fire ceased. The commanders were now concerned that the enemy had artillery support for the defense of their positions and reports from patrols estimated the enemy force—located in the area around the village of Kogubikopai-ai—numbered between 1,200 and 1,500.
At 08:35 on 24 February, the seven battalions of the artillery group opened fire on the Japanese positions in front of the 3rd Marine Regiment. The roar of the cannon fire and the sharp blasts of the explosions in the jungle ahead merged into a near-deafening thunder for more than 20 minutes, with more than 5,600 shells from 75 mm (2.95 in) and 105 mm (4.1 in) howitzers fired at the Japanese positions. Smoke shells were also fired into the hills east of the Torokina River to cut down enemy observation into the Marine positions.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment began moving forward to the front line, in preparation of the launch of the attack. Tanks which were assigned to a secondary role in the attack, moved toward the front lines to move into support positions. Before 09:00, the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment opened up with close-in mortar concentrations and sustained machine gun fire to prevent the Japanese from seeking protection next to the Marine lines. Just before the attack commenced, Japanese artillery began a counterbarrage which blasted the Marine lines, pounding the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment positions and the assembly areas of the assault battalions, with the extremely accurate fire threatening to force a halt to the attack plans. The value of the forward observers on the ridge was utilized to discover the location of the Japanese battery and counterbattery fire was requested. Communications were lost but the break in the signal wire was found and repaired.
The enemy battery was located on the forward slope of a small coconut grove several thousand yards from the Piva River. Counterbattery fire from the 155 mm (6.1 in) howitzer battery of the U.S. Army's 37th Division began to explode around the grove. Fire was adjusted quickly by direct observation, and shortly afterwards the enemy battery had been knocked out of action. While the artillery duel was underway, the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment began forming into attack formation behind the line of departure. At 09:00, as the continuous hammering of machine guns, mortars, and artillery slowly dwindled to a stop, the two battalions moved through the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment lines and advanced.
Moving through the artillery preparation zone, it was obvious that the forward Japanese positions had been neutralized. The shattered and cratered jungle with destroyed Japanese defensive positions were passed without opposition. Shredded and torn bodies of dead Japanese gave evidence of the impact of artillery fire. Dead enemy snipers—lashed into positions in tree tops—draped from shattered branches. Soon afterward, the lull subsided and the surviving Japanese opened fire. Japanese artillery burst along the line, traversing the front of the advancing Marines together with extremely accurate 90 mm mortar fire hit the attacking companies and caused significant casualties.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—having only moved about 250 yd (228.6 m)—reported 70 casualties. A small stream near the trail meandered back and forth across the zone of advance, and the Marines were forced to cross the stream eight times during the morning's movement. At least three enemy pillboxes were located in triangular formation in each bend of the stream, and each of these emplacements had to be isolated and destroyed. A number of engineers were equipped with flame throwers and moved along with the assault companies, and these weapons were used effectively on the bunkers. The Japanese—aware of the capabilities of the flame throwers—directed fire toward the engineers carrying these weapons, with many engineers being killed while getting close enough to enemy emplacements to direct the flame into the bunkers.
Advancing to the left of the East-West Trail, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment encountered less resistance, and was able to continue its advance without pause. The dazed and shocked survivors of the bombardment were killed before the Japanese could recover from the effects of the artillery fire. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment had moved nearly 500 yd (457.2 m) before the Japanese could organize a desperate counterattack which was repelled. Without stopping, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment went straight through the enemy flanking attempt and fought a violent hand-to-hand and tree-to-tree struggle that completely destroyed the Japanese force.
By 12:00, the initial objectives had been reached and the attack was held up to allow reorganization and to reestablish contact between units. After a short time, the attack started forward again toward the final objective some 400 yd (365.8 m) farther on. A further artillery barrage was again pounded ahead of the Marine forces and 81 mm (3.19 in) mortar
s covered the advance. As the advance began again, enemy counter-mortar fire rained on the Marines, however the attack continued under this exchange of supporting and defensive fires.
The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment came under fir from Japanese machine gun and rifle fire from positions on high ground bordering a swampy area raked through the battalion, forcing them to seek cover in the knee deep mud and slime. Company L—on the extreme left—was under heavy fire and was reinforced quickly with a platoon from the reserve unit, Company K. Company L managed to fight its way through heavy enemy fire to the foot of a small knoll. Company I—with the battalion command group attached—was diverted to help and together they were able to rush and capture the rising ground. After clearing this small elevation of all enemy, the battalion organized a perimeter defense and waited for 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment to meet.
Moving toward the final objective, the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment was slowed by strong enemy reinforcements as it neared its goal. Receiving 60 mm (2.36 in)
and 81 mm mortar fire in front of their positions, they were able to overcame the enemy opposition and moved forward. Although the final stand by the Japanese on the objective was desperate and determined, the Marines were able to push ahead and the resistance dwindled and the battalion mopped up and went into a perimeter defense to wait out the night. Behind the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, the battle continued well into the night as isolated enemy riflemen and machine gunners, that had been overrun attempted to ambush and kill ammunition carriers and stretcher bearers.
for his leadership in defending the ridge over four days. Corporal John Logan Jr. and Captain Robert Turnbull were both awarded the Navy Cross
During the attack on 24 November, the artillery group, fired a total of 52 general support missions in addition to the opening bombardment with nine other close-in missions were fired as the 37th Division also moved its perimeter forward. In all, during the attack on 24 November, the artillery group fired 4,131 rounds of 75 mm, 2,534 rounds of 105 mm, and 688 rounds of 155 mm ammunition.
Being Thanksgiving Day on 24 November, a large shipment of turkeys was received at the beachhead, the division cooks roasted the entire shipment and packed the turkeys for distribution to front line units.
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
, and occurred from 18-25 November 1943 on Bougainville Island
Bougainville Island
Bougainville Island is the main island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Papua New Guinea. This region is also known as Bougainville Province or the North Solomons. The population of the province is 175,160 , which includes the adjacent island of Buka and assorted outlying islands...
in the South Pacific
Oceania is a region centered on the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Conceptions of what constitutes Oceania range from the coral atolls and volcanic islands of the South Pacific to the entire insular region between Asia and the Americas, including Australasia and the Malay Archipelago...
between the United States Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea, using the mobility of the United States Navy to deliver combined-arms task forces rapidly. It is one of seven uniformed services of the United States...
, United States Army
United States Army
The United States Army is the main branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest established branch of the U.S. military, and is one of seven U.S. uniformed services...
and Imperial Japanese Army
Imperial Japanese Army
-Foundation:During the Meiji Restoration, the military forces loyal to the Emperor were samurai drawn primarily from the loyalist feudal domains of Satsuma and Chōshū...
After the battle of the Coconut GroveBattle of the Coconut Grove
The Battle of the Coconut Grove was a battle between United States Marine Corps and Imperial Japanese Army forces on Bougainville. The battle took place on 13-14 November 1943 during the Bougainville campaign.-Background:...
, patrols reported sporadic enemy contacts and documents obtained from a Japanese officer who was killed in an ambush, included a detail of Japanese dispositions in the area and showed that the Japanese had set up a road block on both the Numa-Numa Trail
Numa Numa Trail
The Numa Numa Trail is a trail on Bougainville that runs from Numa Numa on the east coast over the central mountains of Bougainville to Torokina on the western coast....
and the East-West Trail
East West Trail
The East West Trail is a trail on Bougainville that runs from Mawareka and Mosigetta, to Buin in the south. It was wide and cleared and skirted around the coastal swamps....
. General Roy Geiger set in place the expansion of the beachhead perimeter to the Inland Defense Line Easy and specified the defensive line to be obtained by 20 November 1943. Patrols on 18 November discovered an enemy road block on the Numa Numa Trail about 1000 yd (914.4 m) yards in front of the beachhead perimeter lines, while another patrol found a road block halfway between the two branches of the Piva River along the East-West Trail.
With the roadblocks obstacles for the advance to the Inland Defense Line Easy, preparations were undertaken to remove these roadblocks by force. The 3rd Marine Raider Battalion was attached to the 3rd Marine Regiment for the attack on the East-West Trail roadblock, while the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
3rd Battalion 3rd Marines
3rd Battalion 3rd Marines or ' is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps, based out of Kāne'ohe, Hawai'i, and consisting of approximately 800 Marines and sailors.The United States Marine Corps is a part of the Department of the Navy. Traditionally, the Navy has supplied it with...
—under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ralph M. King—was detached to attack the Numa Numa Trail roadblock.
On 19 November, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—accompanied by light tanks—took up positions in front of the 129th Infantry Regiment129th Infantry Regiment (United States)
The 129th Infantry Regiment is a United States military unit of the Illinois National Guard. The 129th served in World War I and World War II.Initially part of the 33rd Infantry Division during World War I, the 129th Infantry Regiment was detached on 31 July 1943, sent as the Espiritu Santo...
. An artillery barrage by the 12th Marine Regiment preceded the attack, which after the artillery fire had ceased the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment flanked the enemy position and routed the Japanese from their positions. Sixteen Japanese dead were found and with almost 100 foxholes located, it indicated that at least a reinforced company had occupied the position. A roadblock and a perimeter defense at the junction of the Numa Numa trail and the Piva River
Piva River, Bougainville
The Piva River is a river on the south western coast of Bougainville....
was established to defend against any Japanese counterattack.
The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
1st Battalion 3rd Marines
1st Battalion, 3rd Marines is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps based out of Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Nicknamed the "Lava Dogs", the battalion consists of approximately 800 Marines and Sailors and falls under the command of the 3rd Marine Regiment of the 3rd Marine...
and the 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment
21st Marine Regiment (United States)
The 21st Marine Regiment was an infantry regiment of the United States Marine Corps. Activated for service in World War II, they fought in the battles of Bougainville, Guam and Iwo Jima...
also advanced to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment roadblock. The 3rd Marine Raiders also moved forward for support and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines
2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines is an infantry battalion in the United States Marine Corps based out of Marine Corps Base Hawaii consisting of approximately 1000 Marines and sailors...
—under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hector de Zayas—moved behind the Numa Numa trail roadblock and was sporadically shelled by the Japanese using 90 mm (3.54 in) mortar
Type 94 90 mm Infantry Mortar
The Type 94 was a 90 mm smoothbore infantry mortar, introduced in 1935, used by the Japanese in World War II. By giving the Type 94 an especially heavy and stable mount and bipod, a massive shock absorber group, a powerful projectile, and a lengthy tube and heavy powder charge capacity for long...
On the morning of 20 November, the Japanese counterattacked and attempted to outflank the Marine positions along the Numa Numa Trail. The attack was driven back, taking up positions and then harassed the Marines with sniper fire and mortar fire. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment advanced towards the two forks of the Piva River, to clear the threat, and two light tanks were disabled during the close fighting along the trail. The 3rd Marine Raiders took up positions to cover the gap between the 129th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Marine Regiment as the front expanded.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment advanced across the west fork of the Piva River, to capture the Japanese positions between the two forks of the Piva River. A river crossing was made using a hastily constructed bridge of mahogany, constructed by engineers. Moving forward under light opposition from scattered snipers and several machine gun nests, the enemy outposts were discovered to have been abandoned and had been booby-trapped. The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment set up positions astride the East-West Trail between the two forks of the Piva River. The 21st Marine Regiment took up blocking positions behind the 3rd Marine Regiment.
Late in the afternoon of 20 November, a small, 400 ft (121.9 m) high ridge was discovered that would provide observation of the entire Empress Augusta Bay
Empress Augusta Bay
Empress Augusta Bay is a major bay on the western side of the island of Bougainville, in Papua New Guinea, at . It is a major subsistence fishing area for the people of Bougainville. It is named after Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein, wife of German Emperor William II.In November 1943, the...
area and dominated the East-West Trail and the Piva Forks area.The ridge was later named Cibik Ridge in honour of First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik, whose platoon held the ridge against repeated Japanese assaults. A platoon—under the command of First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik—was ordered to occupy the ridge with detachments of signals and a section of heavy machine guns. The trek began with a struggle up the steep ridge late in the afternoon, with signal wire being reeled out as the platoon climbed the ridge. Reaching the summit just before sunset, they set about establishing defensive positions, with machine guns sited along likely avenues of attack.
With daybreak on 21 November, it was discovered that the crest of the ridge was a Japanese outpost position, used during the day as an observation post and abandoned at night. Approaching Japanese soldiers who were preparing to take up positions were fired upon and they withdrew and fled down the hill. The enemy having regrouped and having been reinforced launched numerous attacks against Cibik's platoon, which itself had been reinforced by more machine guns and mortars, and was able to hold onto the crest despite fanatical attempts by the Japanese to reoccupy the position.
General Roy Geiger's expansion of the beachhead to Inland Defense Line Easy began at 07:30 on 21 November, with the gradual widening of the perimeter allowing the 21st Marine Regiment
21st Marine Regiment (United States)
The 21st Marine Regiment was an infantry regiment of the United States Marine Corps. Activated for service in World War II, they fought in the battles of Bougainville, Guam and Iwo Jima...
, under the command of Colonel Evans O. Ames, to set up positions between the 3rd Marine Regiment and the 9th Marine Regiment. The 1st Battalion and 3rd Battalion of the 21st Marine Regiment led the way, crossed the Piva River without difficulty and by early afternoon had reached the designated defense line. On the extreme left flank, a reinforced platoon, was attacked by a strong Japanese patrol. The platoon was able to repulse the attack with heavy losses to the enemy, with important documents showing the Japanese defenses ahead obtained from the body of a dead Japanese officer.
Enemy resistance to the 3rd Marine Regiment advance was strong, with all three battalions engaged with the Japanese. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—having crossed the Piva River without trouble—advanced toward a slight rise and as the lead scouts came over the top of this ridge, the Japanese opened fire from reverse slope positions. The scouts—having been pinned down—held there positions while the rest of the battalion moved forward with a strong charge over the ridge and cleared the area of Japanese. Enemy 90 mm mortar fire then rained down on the men, who were forced to seek shelter foxholes which dotted the area. Suffering a number of casualties, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment decided to set up a defensive perimeter for the night.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment made a reconnaissance in force in front of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment positions, and came along a strong enemy position, with about 18-20 pillboxes, astride the East-West Trail near the east fork of the Piva River. An attack was launched against the roadblock and managed to pass through the first line of bunkers after heavy fighting at close range, but could make no further headway. Company E—attempting to flank the enemy positions to relieve the intense fire directed at Company G—was knocked back by the Japanese defenders. The enemy being organized in considerable depth, Lt. Col. de Zayas ordered a withdrawal to allow artillery to soften up the enemy positions.
The withdrawal was completed despite determined efforts by the Japanese to prevent the disengagement. After the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment had reentered the lines of 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, the Japanese attempted a pincer envelopment of the position held by the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, now under the command of Major Charles J. Bailey, Jr. The Japanese attacked along the obvious routes of approach down the East-West Trail, and the attack was beaten off by the machine guns sited along this route. One machine gun crew killed 74 out of 75 of the Japanese attackers within 20-30 yards of the gun. The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment then extended to the left toward the ridge occupied by the platoon led by First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik.
The 9th Marine Regiment crossed the Piva River took up defensive positions about 1000 yd (914.4 m) east of the Piva River, between the 21st Marine Regiment and the beach. The 129th Infantry Regiment also moved forward another 1000 yd (914.4 m) unopposed. A gap between the 21st Marine Regiment and the 3rd Marine Regiment existed due to map inaccuracies. The expansion of the perimeter was halted until a concerted attack to push the Japanese out of the strongly entrenched positions ahead.
Plans were drawn up to attack the enemy fortifications, which faced south due of the twists of the trail, from the west to east and preparations for the 24 November assault were undertaken. Tanks and supporting weapons were moved forward into positions behind the 3rd Marine Regiment along the inadequate roads. The Engineers and Seabees worked to extend the roads as close to the Piva River forks as possible, erecting bridges across the Piva River under intense sniper fire and harassment by enemy mortars. Large quantities of supplies of ammunition, rations, and medical supplies were sent forward via a relay system to the front lines. A medical station was established near the terminus of the road to facilitate evacuation of the wounded.
The 2nd Marine Raider Battalion was attached to the 3rd Marine Regiment during the 22 November and relived the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, which moved into reserve. The 3rd Marine Regiment's positions were; 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment in front, with 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment on the left of the trail and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment on the right. First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik's reinforced platoon holding the ridge in front of the perimeter, was reinforced with a company of Marine Raiders and a platoon from the 3rd Marines Weapons Company.
On 23 November, the 12th Marine Regiment's artillery observers moved to the crest of the ridge occupied by the force commanded by First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik, in preparation for the attack the next day. The Marines holding the front lines marked their positions with colored smoke grenades, and both artillery and mortars were then registered in the area ahead. The sighting rounds caused some confusion when several explosions occurred within the Marine positions. It was then realized that the Japanese were firing in return and using the same smoke signals for registration on the Marine lines.
Artillery fire from long-range enemy guns were also falling on Torokina Airfield
Torokina Airfield
Torokina Airfield, also known as Cape Torokina Airfield, is a former World War II airfield at Cape Torokina, Bougainville.-History:Consrtuction began shortly after the landings at Cape Torokina, by United States Navy Seabees. The runway was surfaced with perforated high strength steel sheets, known...
and a number of Landing Ship Tanks unloading near Cape Torokina
Cape Torokina
Cape Torokina is a promontory at the north end of Empress Augusta Bay, along the central part of the southeastern coast of Bougainville, in Papua New Guinea....
. The forward artillery observers shifted registration fires toward several likely artillery positions and the enemy fire ceased. The commanders were now concerned that the enemy had artillery support for the defense of their positions and reports from patrols estimated the enemy force—located in the area around the village of Kogubikopai-ai—numbered between 1,200 and 1,500.
At 08:35 on 24 February, the seven battalions of the artillery group opened fire on the Japanese positions in front of the 3rd Marine Regiment. The roar of the cannon fire and the sharp blasts of the explosions in the jungle ahead merged into a near-deafening thunder for more than 20 minutes, with more than 5,600 shells from 75 mm (2.95 in) and 105 mm (4.1 in) howitzers fired at the Japanese positions. Smoke shells were also fired into the hills east of the Torokina River to cut down enemy observation into the Marine positions.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment began moving forward to the front line, in preparation of the launch of the attack. Tanks which were assigned to a secondary role in the attack, moved toward the front lines to move into support positions. Before 09:00, the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment opened up with close-in mortar concentrations and sustained machine gun fire to prevent the Japanese from seeking protection next to the Marine lines. Just before the attack commenced, Japanese artillery began a counterbarrage which blasted the Marine lines, pounding the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment positions and the assembly areas of the assault battalions, with the extremely accurate fire threatening to force a halt to the attack plans. The value of the forward observers on the ridge was utilized to discover the location of the Japanese battery and counterbattery fire was requested. Communications were lost but the break in the signal wire was found and repaired.
The enemy battery was located on the forward slope of a small coconut grove several thousand yards from the Piva River. Counterbattery fire from the 155 mm (6.1 in) howitzer battery of the U.S. Army's 37th Division began to explode around the grove. Fire was adjusted quickly by direct observation, and shortly afterwards the enemy battery had been knocked out of action. While the artillery duel was underway, the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment began forming into attack formation behind the line of departure. At 09:00, as the continuous hammering of machine guns, mortars, and artillery slowly dwindled to a stop, the two battalions moved through the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment lines and advanced.
Moving through the artillery preparation zone, it was obvious that the forward Japanese positions had been neutralized. The shattered and cratered jungle with destroyed Japanese defensive positions were passed without opposition. Shredded and torn bodies of dead Japanese gave evidence of the impact of artillery fire. Dead enemy snipers—lashed into positions in tree tops—draped from shattered branches. Soon afterward, the lull subsided and the surviving Japanese opened fire. Japanese artillery burst along the line, traversing the front of the advancing Marines together with extremely accurate 90 mm mortar fire hit the attacking companies and caused significant casualties.
The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—having only moved about 250 yd (228.6 m)—reported 70 casualties. A small stream near the trail meandered back and forth across the zone of advance, and the Marines were forced to cross the stream eight times during the morning's movement. At least three enemy pillboxes were located in triangular formation in each bend of the stream, and each of these emplacements had to be isolated and destroyed. A number of engineers were equipped with flame throwers and moved along with the assault companies, and these weapons were used effectively on the bunkers. The Japanese—aware of the capabilities of the flame throwers—directed fire toward the engineers carrying these weapons, with many engineers being killed while getting close enough to enemy emplacements to direct the flame into the bunkers.
Advancing to the left of the East-West Trail, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment encountered less resistance, and was able to continue its advance without pause. The dazed and shocked survivors of the bombardment were killed before the Japanese could recover from the effects of the artillery fire. The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment had moved nearly 500 yd (457.2 m) before the Japanese could organize a desperate counterattack which was repelled. Without stopping, the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment went straight through the enemy flanking attempt and fought a violent hand-to-hand and tree-to-tree struggle that completely destroyed the Japanese force.
By 12:00, the initial objectives had been reached and the attack was held up to allow reorganization and to reestablish contact between units. After a short time, the attack started forward again toward the final objective some 400 yd (365.8 m) farther on. A further artillery barrage was again pounded ahead of the Marine forces and 81 mm (3.19 in) mortar
M1 Mortar
The M1 is a United States 81 millimeter caliber mortar. It was used during World War II well into the 1950s when it was replaced by the lighter and longer ranged M29 Mortar...
s covered the advance. As the advance began again, enemy counter-mortar fire rained on the Marines, however the attack continued under this exchange of supporting and defensive fires.
The 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment came under fir from Japanese machine gun and rifle fire from positions on high ground bordering a swampy area raked through the battalion, forcing them to seek cover in the knee deep mud and slime. Company L—on the extreme left—was under heavy fire and was reinforced quickly with a platoon from the reserve unit, Company K. Company L managed to fight its way through heavy enemy fire to the foot of a small knoll. Company I—with the battalion command group attached—was diverted to help and together they were able to rush and capture the rising ground. After clearing this small elevation of all enemy, the battalion organized a perimeter defense and waited for 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment to meet.
Moving toward the final objective, the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment was slowed by strong enemy reinforcements as it neared its goal. Receiving 60 mm (2.36 in)
M2 Mortar
The M2 Mortar is a smoothbore, muzzle loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used by U.S. forces in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War for light infantry support.-Description:...
and 81 mm mortar fire in front of their positions, they were able to overcame the enemy opposition and moved forward. Although the final stand by the Japanese on the objective was desperate and determined, the Marines were able to push ahead and the resistance dwindled and the battalion mopped up and went into a perimeter defense to wait out the night. Behind the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, the battle continued well into the night as isolated enemy riflemen and machine gunners, that had been overrun attempted to ambush and kill ammunition carriers and stretcher bearers.
The advance to Inland Defense Line Easy had been carried out successfully. Casualties during the battle reflected the intensity with at least 1,071 Japanese killed while the Marine's casualties were 115 dead and wounded. First Lieutenant Steve J. Cibik was awarded the Silver StarSilver Star
The Silver Star is the third-highest combat military decoration that can be awarded to a member of any branch of the United States armed forces for valor in the face of the enemy....
for his leadership in defending the ridge over four days. Corporal John Logan Jr. and Captain Robert Turnbull were both awarded the Navy Cross
Navy Cross
The Navy Cross is the highest decoration that may be bestowed by the Department of the Navy and the second highest decoration given for valor. It is normally only awarded to members of the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps and United States Coast Guard, but can be awarded to all...
During the attack on 24 November, the artillery group, fired a total of 52 general support missions in addition to the opening bombardment with nine other close-in missions were fired as the 37th Division also moved its perimeter forward. In all, during the attack on 24 November, the artillery group fired 4,131 rounds of 75 mm, 2,534 rounds of 105 mm, and 688 rounds of 155 mm ammunition.
Being Thanksgiving Day on 24 November, a large shipment of turkeys was received at the beachhead, the division cooks roasted the entire shipment and packed the turkeys for distribution to front line units.