Before (short story)
"Before" is a short story by Gael Baudino
Gael Baudino
Gael Baudino is a contemporary American fantasy author who also writes under the pseudonyms of Gael Kathryns, Gael A. Kathryns, and G.A. Kathryns. She attended college at the University of Southern California...

 written deliberately in a style similar to William Faulkner's
William Faulkner
William Cuthbert Faulkner was an American writer from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner worked in a variety of media; he wrote novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays and screenplays during his career...

: the foreword to the story says, "the sometimes strange syntax and editorial elisions are intentional in this homage to Faulkner." It concerns Greta Harlow, a young woman living in a Lee's Corners, a small town in fictional Oktibushubee County. She is raped and impregnated by Jimmy White, son of a prominent and wealthy businessman. An elderly wealthy woman, Mrs. Gavin, counsels her on how to abort the baby. The story ends with Greta debating whether to follow through with the abortion or not.

Lee's Corners, Sophonsiba Gavin, and Greta's child, Magic, all play key parts in Baudino's most recent book, "The Borders of Life" (written as Gael Kathryns).
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