Beinir Sigmundsson
Beinir Sigmundsson was together with his brother Brestir Sigmundsson
Brestir Sigmundsson
Brestir Sigmundsson was together with his brother Beinir Sigmundsson ruler over half of the Faroe Islands....

 ruler over half of the Faroe Islands.

Beinir was the son of Sigmund the Elder. Together with Torah he had the child Tori. Breinir and his brother were eventually murdered in 970 on Stora Dímun and Svínoy-Bjarne by a viking
The term Viking is customarily used to refer to the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century.These Norsemen used their famed longships to...

chieftain, Havgrímur (who also died).
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