Ben Willmore
Ben Willmore is the author of several Photoshop books, most notably the Adobe Systems
Adobe Systems
Adobe Systems Incorporated is an American computer software company founded in 1982 and headquartered in San Jose, California, United States...

 Photoshop Studio Techniques series.

Books include:
  • Photoshop Studio Techniques
  • Up to Speed
  • How to Wow: Photoshop for Photography

Willmore is the founder of Digital Mastery, a Boulder, Colorado-based training and consulting firm that specializes in Photoshop.

He has personally trained over 65,000 Photoshop users and is a featured speaker at national publishing conferences and events nationwide. He has a monthly column in Photoshop User magazine, and his best-selling, award-winning book, Photoshop Studio Techniques is printed in eight languages.

He is a recipient of the 2004 Photoshop Hall of Fame Award.

Ben lives full-time on a 40' Prevost
Prevost Car
Prevost is a Quebec, Canada-based manufacturer of touring coaches and bus shells for high-end motorhomes and specialty conversions.The company now owns Nova Bus and in turn is owned by Volvo Bus Corporation.- History :...

motorcoach and spends his time photographing America in between his speaking gigs.

External links

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