Bendi languages
The Bendi languages are a small group of Nigerian Benue–Congo languages of uncertain affiliation. Once counted among the Cross River languages
Cross River languages
The Cross River or Delta–Cross languages are a branch of the Benue–Congo language family in south-easternmost Nigeria posited by Joseph Greenberg...

, they may actually be a branch of Bantoid
Bantoid languages
In the classification of African languages, Bantoid is a branch of the Benue–Congo subfamily of the Niger–Congo phylum. The term 'Bantoid' was first used by Krause in 1895 for languages that showed resemblances in vocabulary to Bantu...


The languages are:
Alege, Banliku
Banliku language
Banliku is a Bendi language of Nigeria....

, Bekwarra, Bete-Bendi, Boki
Boki language
Boki is a regionally important Bendi language of Nigeria, with a few thousand speakers in Cameroon....

, Bumaji, Putukwam, Ubang, Ukpe-Bayobiri.

The data are too poor to allow internal classification of these languages.
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