Berechiah icon is a Jewish name that occurs several times in the Bible
The Bible refers to any one of the collections of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books , their contents and their order vary among denominations...

. It is derived from Berakhah
In Judaism, a berakhah, bracha, brokhe is a blessing, usually recited at a specific moment during a ceremony or other activity. The function of a berakhah is to acknowledge God as the source of all blessing...

, "blessing".

Other people with that name

  • Berechiah ha-Nakdan
    Berechiah ha-Nakdan
    Berechiah ben Natronai ha-Nakdan, , commonly known as Berachya, was a Jewish exegete, ethical writer, grammarian, translator, poet, and philosopher...

    , 13th century writer and fabulist
  • Berechiah de Nicole
    Berechiah de Nicole
    Berechiah de Nicole also known as Benedict fil Mosse, , was a thirteenth century English Tosafist who lived at Lincoln. He was of the well-known Hagin family, and son of Rabbi Moses ben Yom-Tov of London...

    , also known as Benedict fil Mosse, a 13th century Tosafist who lived at Lincoln, England.
  • Berechiah Berak ben Isaac Eisik Shapira
    Berechiah Berak ben Isaac Eisik Shapira
    Berechiah Berak ben Isaac Eisik Shapira was a Galician preacher who was educated by Nathan Shapira, rabbi of Cracow, and was appointed preacher of that city, where he spent most of his life...

    (died 1664), Galician preacher.

External links

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