Bernhard Bleeker
Josef Bernhard Maria Bleeker (26 July 1881 – 11 March 1968) was a German sculptor.


Bernhard Bleeker was born at the 26 July 1881 in Münster (Westfalen). After training as a stonemason in Münster and Munich he worked at different Munich building sites. In 1903 Bleeker got his first public contract to build a monument in Miesbach
Miesbach is a town in Bavaria, Germany, and is the capital of the Miesbach district. The district is at an altitude of 697 metres above sea level. It covers an area of approximately 863.50 km² of alpine headlands and in 2004 had a population of 93,942. The town is located 48 km southeast...

. He built a fountain with a sculpture of St. Michael as dragon slayer. "This work is still influenced by a typically neobaroque style, represented by his teacher Rümann and other numerous artist-colleagues." Later he got influenced by Adolf von Hildebrand
Adolf von Hildebrand
Adolf von Hildebrand was a German sculptor,Hildebrand was born at Marburg, the son of Marburg economics professor Bruno Hildebrand. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, with Kaspar von Zumbusch at the Munich Academy and with Rudolf Siemering in Berlin...

, probably the most significant sculptor of that time. Bleeker is supposed to be one of the main representative of the Munich School of Sculptorer, a significant bust sculptor and a builder of neoclassic monomuents.

In 1912 he founded with others the "Neue Münchener Secession". In 1918 he started teaching at the Munich Academy and became a Ordentlicher Professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...

 in 1922. "During the Third Reich, Bleeker as a well respected artist often participated in propagandistic exhibitions, for example at the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst
Haus der Kunst
The Haus der Kunst is an art museum in Munich, Germany. It is located at Prinzregentenstrasse 1 at the southern edge of the Englischer Garten, Munich's largest park.-History:...

 in Munich." He got the order to build a bust of Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party , commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and head of state from 1934 to 1945...

 (Bust at German Historical Museum). He reworked it several times and until 1944 25 bust were delivered to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). As a result of his connection to the nazi regime he lost his teaching post at the Munich Academy in 1945. In 1951 he was rehabilitated and became member of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...

 and honorary member of the Munich Academy. In 1968 he died in Munich.

Exemplary Work

For a full list see:
  • 1910/11 Bust "Prinzregent Luitpold
    Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
    Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria , was the de facto ruler of Bavaria from 1886 to 1912, due to the incapacity of his nephews, King Ludwig II and King Otto.-Early life:...

  • 1924/25 "Dead Warrior" (Toter Krieger) in the crypt of the war memorial in the Munich Hofgarten
  • 1931 Blekers most famous pice of art the "Horse Tamer" (Rossebändiger) at the Technical University Munich was heavily damaged in the II. World War. As a result the horse was melted. Today the tamer stands in front of the Alte Pinakothek
    Alte Pinakothek
    The Alte Pinakothek is an art museum situated in the Kunstareal in Munich, Germany. It is one of the oldest galleries in the world and houses one of the most famous collections of Old Master paintings...

    . Busts of Friedrich Ebert
    Friedrich Ebert
    Friedrich Ebert was a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany .When Ebert was elected as the leader of the SPD after the death of August Bebel, the party members of the SPD were deeply divided because of the party's support for World War I. Ebert supported the Burgfrieden and...

    , Max Liebermann
    Max Liebermann
    Max Liebermann was a German-Jewish painter and printmaker best known for his etching and lithography.-Biography:...

    , Paul von Hindenburg
    Paul von Hindenburg
    Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg , known universally as Paul von Hindenburg was a Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, and served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934....

     and Max Slevogt
    Max Slevogt
    Max Slevogt was a German Impressionist painter and illustrator, best known for his landscapes. He was, together with Lovis Corinth and Max Liebermann, one of the foremost representatives in Germany of the plein air style.-Biography:He was born in Landshut, Germany...

  • 1935 A second version of the "Dead Warrior" for the Hindenburg
    Paul von Hindenburg
    Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg , known universally as Paul von Hindenburg was a Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, and served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934....

    -Crypt in the Tannenberg Memorial
    Tannenberg Memorial
    The Tannenberg Memorial commemorated fallen German soldiers of the second Battle of Tannenberg in 1914, which was named after the medieval Battle of Tannenberg...

  • 1944 Monument "August Neidhardt von Gneisenau" in the City of Posen (today: Poznań
    Poznań is a city on the Warta river in west-central Poland, with a population of 556,022 in June 2009. It is among the oldest cities in Poland, and was one of the most important centres in the early Polish state, whose first rulers were buried at Poznań's cathedral. It is sometimes claimed to be...

    , Poland).

Awards and Destinctions

  • 1917 Royal Ludwigs Medal in Gold (Königliche Ludwigs-Medaille in Gold),
  • 1928 Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art
    Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art
    The Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art was first established on 28 November 1853 by King Maximilian II. von Bayern. It is awarded to acknowledge and reward excellent and outstanding achievements in the field of science and art...

     (der Bayrische Maximiliansorden für Wissenschaft und Kunst),
  • 1930 Member of the Prussian Academy of Arts
    Prussian Academy of Arts
    The Prussian Academy of Arts was an art school set up in Berlin, Brandenburg, in 1694/1696 by prince-elector Frederick III, in personal union Duke Frederick I of Prussia, and later king in Prussia. It had a decisive influence on art and its development in the German-speaking world throughout its...

     (Preußischen Akademie der Künste zu Berlin).
  • 1956 Culture Price of the City of Munich (Förderpreis im Bereich Bildende Kunst der Landeshauptstadt München)
  • 1961 Golden Honorary Coin of the City of Munich (Goldene Ehrenmünze der Stadt München).


  • Frank Henseleit: Der Bildhauer Bernhard Bleeker (1881–1968). Leben und Werk. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg 2006 (Onlinefull text, 307 pages, PDF 2,44MB)
  • Claus Pese: Mehr als nur Kunst. Das Archiv für Bildende Kunst i m Germanischen Nationalmuseum. (= Kulturgeschichtliche Spaziergänge im Germanischen Nationalmuseum; Bd.2). Ostfildern-Ruit 1998, pp. 40–43, 84
  • The written legacy is part of the German Art Archive at the German Nationalmuseum
    Germanisches Nationalmuseum
    The Germanisches Nationalmuseum is a museum in Nuremberg, Germany. Founded in 1852, houses a large collection of items relating to German culture and art extending from prehistoric times through to the present day...


External links

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