Bert Van Hoorick
Bert Van Hoorick was a Belgian
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

 politician and writer. He was a member of the Belgian parliament from 1946 up to 1949 and from 1958 until 1976.

When 18 years old, he joined the Communist Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Belgium was a political party in Belgium. The youth wing of KPB/PCB was known as the Communist Youth of Belgium. The party published Le Drapeau Rouge in French and De Roode Vaan in Dutch.- History :It was formed at a congress in Anderlecht on September 3-4 1921...

, of which he became a leading member. During the second world war he became a member of the resistance. He was apprehended by the Nazis in January 1943 and imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps
Nazi concentration camps
Nazi Germany maintained concentration camps throughout the territories it controlled. The first Nazi concentration camps set up in Germany were greatly expanded after the Reichstag fire of 1933, and were intended to hold political prisoners and opponents of the regime...

 of Breendonk
Breendonk is a small town in Belgium, population 3,000, halfway between Brussels and Antwerp.Its name stems from the medieval Bredene Dunc which translates as "wide mound" or "a dry spot in the marshes."...

 and Buchenwald
Buchenwald concentration camp
Buchenwald concentration camp was a German Nazi concentration camp established on the Ettersberg near Weimar, Germany, in July 1937, one of the first and the largest of the concentration camps on German soil.Camp prisoners from all over Europe and Russia—Jews, non-Jewish Poles and Slovenes,...

. After the war he became chief editor of De Rode Vaan, the journal of the Belgian communist party.

In 1946 he was elected to the municipal council of Aalst
Aalst, Belgium
Aalst is a city and municipality on the Dender River, 19 miles northwest from Brussels. It is located in the Flemish province of East Flanders in the Denderstreek. The municipality comprises the city of Aalst itself and the villages of Baardegem, Erembodegem, Gijzegem, Herdersem, Hofstade,...

 and to the Belgian parliament. After the events of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, he broke with the communist party and in January 1957 he became a member of the Belgian socialist party. In 1958, he became a member of parliament for the socialist party, and he held this mandate until 1976. From 1971 up to 1974 he was also secretary of the parliament.


  • 1983 - Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord
    Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord
    The Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord is a symbolic award which was created in 1951 by Herman Teirlinck and the editorial team of the Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift to counteract ideologically driven restrictions on the freedom of expression.He wanted to bring those persons into the spotlight who actively...

  • 1991 - Gouden Erepenning van het Vlaams Parlement


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