Between Shades of Gray
Between Shades of Gray, a New York Times Bestseller, is the debut novel of American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 novelist Ruta Sepetys
Ruta Sepetys
Ruta Sepetys or Rūta Šepetys is an American author, of Lithuanian descent. Her debut novel, Between Shades of Gray, a New York Times Bestseller, chronicles Stalin’s reign of terror in the Baltics and was inspired by Sepetys' family history. -Biography:Ruta Sepetys is the daughter of a Lithuanian...

. It follows the Stalinist purges of the latter half of the 20th century, Between Shades of Gray follows the life of Lina as she is deported from her native Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...

 with her mother and younger brother and the journey they take to a work-camp in Siberia. It has been nominated for the 2012 CILIP Carnegie Medal
Carnegie Medal
The Carnegie Medal is a literary award established in 1936 in honour of Scottish philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and given annually to an outstanding book for children and young adults. It is awarded by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals...

 and has been translated into more than 27 languages.

Between Shades of Gray was originally intended as a young adult novel, but there have been several adult publications. In an interview with ThirstforFiction, Ruta Sepetys said that the reason she intended Between Shades of Gray to be a young adult novel was because she met many survivors in Lithuania who were themselves teenagers during the deportations, and had a greater will to live than many of their adult conterparts at the time.

Inspiration and Basis

Between Shades of Gray is partly based upon the stories she heard from survivors of the Genocide of Baltic people
Mass killings under Communist regimes
Mass killings occurred under some Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million. Scholarship focuses on the causes of mass killings in single societies, though some claims of common causes for mass killings have been made...

 during a visit to her relatives in Lithuania.

Sepetys decided she needed to write a fiction novel rather than a non-fiction volume as a way of making it easier for survivors to talk to her. She interviewed dozens of people during her stay.


  • Lina Vilkaitė: The 15 year old protagonist.
  • Jonas Vilkas: Lina's brother.
  • Elena Vilkienė: Lina's and Jona's mother.
  • Andrius Arvydas: 16 old boy, felt in love with Lina in exile.
  • Mrs. Arvydienė: Andrius' mother.


Between Shades of Gray has received intensely positive reviews. The New York Times
The New York Times
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851. The New York Times has won 106 Pulitzer Prizes, the most of any news organization...

 describes it as a "superlative first novel" whilst the LA Times called it a "story of hardship as well as human triumph". Publishers' Weekly praised Between Shades of Gray, calling it a "harrowing page-turner, made all the more so for its basis in historical fact".

International Translations

    • German translation: Und in mir der unbesiegbare Sommer, Carlsen Verlag
      Carlsen Verlag
      Carlsen Verlag is a subsidiary of the homonymous Danish publishing house which in turn belongs to the Swedish media company Bonnier. The branch was founded on 25 April 1953 in Hamburg. The publisher's program focuses on books for children Carlsen Verlag is a subsidiary of the homonymous Danish...

      , Hamburg, Sept. 2011 ISBN 978-3-551-58254-6
    • Italian translation: Avevano spento anche la luna, Garzanti, Sept. 2011 ISBN 978-8-81-167036-0
    • French translation: Ce qu'ils n'ont pas pu nous prendre, Gallimard Jeunesse
      Gallimard Jeunesse
      Gallimard Jeunesse is a French publisher of children's books. It is a subsidiary of Éditions Gallimard.It is the publisher of the French version of Animorphs, The English Roses by Madonna, Pokémon chapter books and Harry Potter books...

      , ISBN 978-2-070-63567-2 (in preparation: expected release, Oct. 13, 2011)
    • Spanish translation: Entre tonos de gris, Ediciones Maeva, 2011 ISBN 978-84-15120-25-4

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.