The BioCatalogue is a curated catalogue of Life Science Web Services. The BioCatalogue was launched in June 2009 at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology is a scientific meeting on the subjects of bioinformatics and computational biology organized by the International Society for Computational Biology . Its principal focus is on the development and application of advanced computational methods for...

Academic conference
An academic conference or symposium is a conference for researchers to present and discuss their work. Together with academic or scientific journals, conferences provide an important channel for exchange of information between researchers.-Overview:Conferences are usually composed of various...

The project is a collaboration between the myGrid
The myGrid consortium is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary internationally leading research group focussing on the challenges of eScience...

 project at the University of Manchester
University of Manchester
The University of Manchester is a public research university located in Manchester, United Kingdom. It is a "red brick" university and a member of the Russell Group of research-intensive British universities and the N8 Group...

 led by Carole Goble
Carole Goble
Carole Anne Goble, FREng, FBCS, CITP is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Manchester in the UK. She is Principal Investigator of the myGrid, BioCatalogue and myExperiment projects....

 and the European Bioinformatics Institute
European Bioinformatics Institute
The European Bioinformatics Institute is a centre for research and services in bioinformatics, and is part of European Molecular Biology Laboratory...

 led by Rodrigo Lopez. It is funded by the BBSRC.

The BioCatalogue is based on an open source
Open source
The term open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials. Some consider open source a philosophy, others consider it a pragmatic methodology...

 Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails or RoR, is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language.-History:...

 codebase like its sister project, myExperiment
myExperiment is a social web site for researchers sharing Research Objects such as Scientific Workflows. The Website was launched in November 2007 and contains a significant collection of scientific workflows for a variety of workflow systems, most notably Taverna, but also other tools such as...


External links


Related projects

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