Biot (crater)
Biot is a small, bowl-shaped lunar
The Moon is Earth's only known natural satellite,There are a number of near-Earth asteroids including 3753 Cruithne that are co-orbital with Earth: their orbits bring them close to Earth for periods of time but then alter in the long term . These are quasi-satellites and not true moons. For more...

Impact crater
In the broadest sense, the term impact crater can be applied to any depression, natural or manmade, resulting from the high velocity impact of a projectile with a larger body...

 located in the southern reaches of the Mare Fecunditatis
Mare Fecunditatis
Mare Fecunditatis is a lunar mare which is 840 km in diameter. The Fecuditatis basin formed in the Pre-Nectarian epoch, while the basin material surrounding the mare is of the...

. It is a circular formation with a sharp-edged rim that has not been significantly worn. The inner walls slope down to a relatively small interior floor. The albedo
Albedo , or reflection coefficient, is the diffuse reflectivity or reflecting power of a surface. It is defined as the ratio of reflected radiation from the surface to incident radiation upon it...

 of the wide inner walls is higher than the surrounding lunar mare
Lunar mare
The lunar maria are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions. They were dubbed maria, Latin for "seas", by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas. They are less reflective than the "highlands" as a result of their iron-rich compositions, and...

, giving it a light hue. To the southeast is the crater Wrottesley
Wrottesley (crater)
Wrottesley is a lunar impact crater that is attached to the west-northwestern rim of the larger crater Petavius, and lies along the southeast edge of Mare Fecunditatis...


Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Biot.
Biot Latitude Longitude Diameter
A 22.2° S 48.9° E 15 km
B 20.4° S 49.6° E 28 km
C 22.0° S 51.1° E 8 km
D 24.3° S 50.3° E 9 km
E 24.6° S 50.9° E 8 km
T 21.4° S 49.9° E 5 km
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