Black-and-gray is a style of tattoo
A tattoo is made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Tattoos on humans are a type of body modification, and tattoos on other animals are most commonly used for identification purposes...

ing that uses only black ink
Tattoo ink
Tattoo inks consist of pigments combined with a carrier, and are used in tattooing.Tattoo inks are available in a range of colors that can be thinned or mixed together to produce other colors and shades...

in varying shades.

Typically, black and gray tattoo work is produced by diluting the black ink with distilled water in various proportions, creating a "wash", lighter shades can be produced. Some artists mix white ink with black to produce a gray shade, but it is not the traditional method.

After a tattoo has been completed with varying degrees of black, highlights are often added using white. White ink can also be used to smooth out sharp transitions between the different shades.

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