Blood Contact
Blood Contact is the fourth novel of the military science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 StarFist Saga
StarFist series
StarFist is a series of military science fiction novels set in the 25th century and written from the viewpoint of the men of the Confederation Marine Corps 34th FIST and later in the spin-off series Starfist: Force Recon....

, written by David Sherman
David Sherman
David Sherman is an American novelist who deals overwhelmingly with military themes at the small-unit tactical level. His experiences as a United States Marine during the Vietnam War show prominently in his work.-Biography:Sherman was born in Niles, Ohio...

 and Dan Cragg
Dan Cragg
Dan Cragg is an American soldier, essayist, and science-fiction author.-Biography:He is the son of James Wilson and Gertrude Cragg and was married to the late Sun P....

. This book in the series follows Gunnery Sergeant Bass and the rest of 3rd Platoon, Company L, 34th FIST as they investigate a missing scientific team on the planet Society 437. Initially expecting that pirates are to blame for the failure of the team to check in as scheduled, 3rd Platoon discovers something far more deadly and dangerous is behind the destruction of the station. What they find has serious implications for the entire human race. Conducting a campaign to wipe out the scientific society are a race of aliens dubbed by the marines the skinks.
The skinks are a race of bipedal amphibian like creatures who wield acid guns which seem to be able to burn through virtually any substance.
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