Blue Sky Tribe
Blue Sky Tribe is a term coined by David Beers
David Beers
For the financial analyst, see David Beers David Beers is a Canadian journalist. He was born in 1957 and grew up in San Jose, California, where his father worked for Lockheed as a satellite test engineer. He attended Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. He was the former editor of...

' in his 1997 autobiographical memoir Blue Sky Dream
Blue Sky Dream
Blue Sky Dream: A Memoir of America's Fall from Grace is a 1997 memoir by David Beers. In addition to chronicling growing up in a family involved in the California aerospace industry of the 1960s, it also explores similarities and differences between the military-industrial command economies of...

. He describes a group of people with a common set of beliefs as a tribe
A tribe, viewed historically or developmentally, consists of a social group existing before the development of, or outside of, states.Many anthropologists use the term tribal society to refer to societies organized largely on the basis of kinship, especially corporate descent groups .Some theorists...


It describes technocratic upper-middle class suburban aerospace
Aerospace comprises the atmosphere of Earth and surrounding space. Typically the term is used to refer to the industry that researches, designs, manufactures, operates, and maintains vehicles moving through air and space...

 families who settled in California
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area...

's Santa Clara Valley in the 1950s and 1960s who believed that their unquestioning commitment to such corporate megaliths as Lockheed
Lockheed Corporation
The Lockheed Corporation was an American aerospace company. Lockheed was founded in 1912 and later merged with Martin Marietta to form Lockheed Martin in 1995.-Origins:...

 would be rewarded with continual government funding for unending defense projects which, in turn, would lead to never-ending prosperity and upward mobility. This belief became the core of the tribal myth. However, involvement in the "Black World" projects of guided missile technology and spy satellites required blue sky companies to increasingly restrict their employees' right to talk about their work to anyone, including their own family, so adults became frustrated workers and parents, with children becoming distanced.

Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak
Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak is an American computer engineer and programmer who founded Apple Computer, Co. with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne...

, co-founder of Apple Inc., is a child of a Blue Sky Tribe family.

See also

  • Suburbia
    subUrbia is a play by Eric Bogosian chronicling the nighttime activities of a group of aimless 20-somethings still living in their suburban Boston hometown and their reunion with a former high school classmate who has become a successful musician...

  • Military-industrial complex
    Military-industrial complex
    Military–industrial complex , or Military–industrial-congressional complex is a concept commonly used to refer to policy and monetary relationships between legislators, national armed forces, and the industrial sector that supports them...

  • Homebrew Computer Club
    Homebrew Computer Club
    The Homebrew Computer Club was an early computer hobbyist users' group in Silicon Valley, which met from March 5, 1975 to December 1986...

  • What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry
  • War theory
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