Boku (juice)
BoKu was a fruit juice brand released in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 from 1990 to 2003 by McCain Citrus, Inc.
McCain Foods Limited
McCain Foods Limited is a privately owned company established in 1957 by four brothers—Harrison McCain, Wallace McCain, Robert McCain, and Andrew McCain—in Florenceville, New Brunswick, Canada...

 It was sold in a box, much like competitors such as Minute Maid
Minute Maid
Minute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with lemonade or orange juice, but now extends to soft drinks of many kinds, including Hi-C...


BoKu was marketed as "adult" juice, as juice boxes were commonly attributed to grade-school children because of their small size and easy ability to pack in a lunch. Consequently, BoKu juice boxes were larger, omitted a straw in favor a pull tab, and was offered in flavors considered more suitable for adults.

BoKu's television ads featured comedian Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis (comedian)
-Early life:Lewis was born in Brooklyn, New York City and was raised in Englewood, New Jersey. His father worked as a caterer and his mother was an actress. Lewis is Jewish. He later attended Ohio State University and was a member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity....

. Lewis would be seen standing in front of the camera, holding a BoKu box and espousing how the product was suited more for adults than children.
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