Boot worship
Boot worship is a term for the practice of extreme adulation of boots in BDSM
BDSM is an erotic preference and a form of sexual expression involving the consensual use of restraint, intense sensory stimulation, and fantasy power role-play. The compound acronym BDSM is derived from the terms bondage and discipline , dominance and submission , and sadism and masochism...


It is also important to point out that the dominant partner in the boot worship action is almost always a female, and the submissive a male or female. It is extremly rare to see a dominant male in such action.

It is related to foot worship in a derivative way, in that the adulation may really be attributable to the proximity of the boots to their master/mistress. The foot is usually considered one of the "lowest" and least appreciated parts of the body, and it is a kind of humiliation to be kissing and licking someone's foot. In Boot worship, the humiliation goes one step further. The submissive do this usually at will, since the sub is actually the controller of the game. The "sub"'s reverence for the footwear that encloses her or his domina's foot is a concrete admission of inferiority. This is usually carried out when the footwear is actually worn by the dominant partner.

Thus boot worship may include sniffing or inhaling from worn boots, as well as licking
Licking is the action of passing the tongue over a surface, typically either to deposit saliva onto the surface, or to collect liquid onto the tongue for ingestion, or to provide pleasure. Many animals both groom themselves and drink by licking....

, kiss
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another person or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good...

ing or cleaning their exteriors by licking. Sometimes polishing of the boot can also be done. It may also consist, more passively, of the woman or man lying prone and being "trampled" by his/her domina. Heeled boots may lend themselves to sucking, in an approximation of fellatio
Fellatio is an act of oral stimulation of a male's penis by a sexual partner. It involves the stimulation of the penis by the use of the mouth, tongue, or throat. The person who performs fellatio can be referred to as the giving partner, and the other person is the receiving partner...

. Chewing and eating of leather shoes can also be done. The dominant can also sometimes beat her slave with the footwear while wearing it or have the slave lying down in front of the owner and the owner having her boots over the slave body/face/mouth instead of the floor.

See also

  • Foot fetishism
    Foot fetishism
    Foot fetishism, foot partialism, foot worship, or podophilia is a pronounced sexual interest in feet. It is the most common form of sexual preference for otherwise non-sexual objects or body parts.-Characteristics:...

  • Mysophilia
  • Shoe fetishism
    Shoe fetishism
    Shoe fetishism is the attribution of attractive sexual qualities to shoes or other footwear as a matter of sexual preference, psychosexual disorder, and an alternative or complement to a relationship with a partner. It has also been known as retifism, after Nicolas-Edme Rétif , called Rétif de la...

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