Bottom Lounge
Bottom Lounge is a concert hall at 1375 W. Lake St. in Chicago, IL. Originally located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood at 3206 N. Wilton, Bottom Lounge was acquired by the CTA
Chicago Transit Authority
Chicago Transit Authority, also known as CTA, is the operator of mass transit within the City of Chicago, Illinois and some of its surrounding suburbs....

 in eminent domain
Eminent domain
Eminent domain , compulsory purchase , resumption/compulsory acquisition , or expropriation is an action of the state to seize a citizen's private property, expropriate property, or seize a citizen's rights in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent...

 in 2001 and seized for demolition in 2005 to make way for the Brown Line
Brown Line (Chicago Transit Authority)
The Brown Line starts out in northwest Chicago, at the Kimball and Lawrence Avenue terminal in Albany Park, where there is a storage yard and servicing shop for the trains to the east of the passenger station...

 extension project. Hindered by lawsuits regarding the relocation and payment for Bottom Lounge under Uniform Relocation Act
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (1970)
- The Federal Government's Response to Eminent Domain Issues :A series of provisions codified in 1971 to ensure fair treatment of those displaced by federally funded programs, federally-assisted programs or state and local agencies receiving federal funds, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real...

, Bottom Lounge re-opened at its current West Loop
Near West Side, Chicago
The Near West Side, one of the 77 defined community areas of Chicago, is located , adjacent to the downtown central business district . The rich history of the Near West Side of Chicago has its genesis in the Hull House phenomenon...

location in 2008.

The main concert hall is a 700 capacity sized room. Bottom Lounge also houses the Volcano Room, a 300 capacity mixed use space and a full restaurant specializing in American Midwest fare.
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