Bower, South Australia
Bower is a town in South Australia
South Australia
South Australia is a state of Australia in the southern central part of the country. It covers some of the most arid parts of the continent; with a total land area of , it is the fourth largest of Australia's six states and two territories.South Australia shares borders with all of the mainland...

. The name honours David Bower, a South Australian Member of Parliament (1865 - 1887) who donated land in the state for institutional purposes. By 1916, Bower had become a dispatch centre for mallee
Mallee may refer to:* Mallee , the habit of woody plants that grow with multiple stems from underground lignotubers* Mallee , a biogeographic region in southern Western Australia...

 timber and roots. These were loaded at the railway station and sent to Adelaide
Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia and the fifth-largest city in Australia. Adelaide has an estimated population of more than 1.2 million...

. A school operated in the town between 1917 and 1961.
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