Bowling league
A bowling league is a group event where several teams bowl against each other. Most bowling leagues consist of four team players that meet up once a week and usually at the same time and day. Teams of three or five players are also common. Leagues can be set up as male-only, female-only, or mixed. Leagues were established soon after the most modern type of bowling was created. Ten-pin bowling
Ten-pin bowling
Ten-pin bowling is a competitive sport in which a player rolls a bowling ball down a wooden or synthetic lane with the objective of scoring points by knocking down as many pins as possible.-Summary:The lane is bordered along its length by semicylindrical channels Ten-pin bowling (commonly just...

is a modern form of bowling that was formed in 1895 in New York City.

Each week the teams take turns facing one other team. In most bowling leagues each team plays three games per visit. In the first week of the league, the average and handicap of each player is set. Handicap is the difference of the sum of averages between the two teams that are facing each other.

Besides the fun of having a team and rolling a ball down the alley to hit a few pins, there are sometimes fun cash prizes and pools that go along with the game of bowling. The point of this is to have something to work for. Some leagues will have strike pools or spare pools. This is when team members put in money to play the game. The first person to get a certain amount of strikes or spares wins the total amount of money that everyone put in. If no one wins it one week or two, then the money keeps adding up until someone finally wins it.

Bowling Leagues normally attract an older crowd whether it is duck pin bowling or even just regular bowling itself. However, more recently, there have been more youth bowling leagues. This gives kids the time to learn the strategy in bowling. They start off with bumpers and work their way up until they are no longer needed. Bumpers are used to block the gutters so that the bowling ball can have a chance to hit some pins.


Leagues normally consists of weekly sessions that require a bowler to bowl 3 games (or more/less) per week depending on the league's rules. Some leagues have special prize funds accumulated by a small weekly fee that can fund anything from a trip to Las Vegas, or even a bowling ball of your own.

League's and Team's External Links

External links


"Bowling for All" by:Joe Falcaro

"The Book of Rules: A visula guide to the laws of every commonly played sport and game." by:Duncan Peterson
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