Brandworkers International
Brandworkers International is the first non-profit advocacy organization for retail and food employees. Based in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

, Brandworkers was founded in 2007 by a group of retail and food employees active on workers' rights issues. Brandworkers empowers workers with social change
Social change
Social change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. It may refer to the notion of social progress or sociocultural evolution, the philosophical idea that society moves forward by dialectical or evolutionary means. It may refer to a paradigmatic change in the socio-economic...

 tools needed to achieve employer compliance with the law and improve working conditions. Their approach combines class-action lawsuits, union
Trade union
A trade union, trades union or labor union is an organization of workers that have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members and negotiates labour contracts with...

/community organizing and public education. A forward thinking organization, Brandworkers aims to win lasting change.


In addition to comprehensive workplace campaigns, Brandworkers offers retail and food employees a service called Legal Defense-Plus. The Legal Defense-Plus program provides legal information and connects workers with lawyers interested in taking their case. The legal services are complemented by advocacy and organizing tools to achieve desired results. The program is serviced by a volunteer network of lawyers and grassroots
A grassroots movement is one driven by the politics of a community. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it are natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures...


Brandworkers also operates a website for retail and food employees as well as community members concerned about the practices of multinational
Multinational corporation
A multi national corporation or enterprise , is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation...

 retailers. A notable function of the website is the Brandworkers Blog which features original posts by workers as well as analysis of breaking news regarding the large retail and food brands.

External links

  • Brandworkers International Website
  • Krauthamer, Diane. "Taming Wild Edibles." Industrial Workers of the World
    Industrial Workers of the World
    The Industrial Workers of the World is an international union. At its peak in 1923, the organization claimed some 100,000 members in good standing, and could marshal the support of perhaps 300,000 workers. Its membership declined dramatically after a 1924 split brought on by internal conflict...

    3 Feb. 2008. Accessed 28 Feb. 2008.
  • "Workers Suing Large NYC Seafood Supplier." On New York Turf, 17 Sep. 2007. Accessed 26 Feb. 2007.
  • Gross, Daniel. "The Gap and Black Friday." CounterPunch
    Counterpunch can refer to:* Counterpunch , a punch in boxing* CounterPunch, a bi-weekly political newsletter* Counterpunch , a type of punch used in traditional typography* Punch-Counterpunch, a Transformers character...

    24/25 Nov. 2007. Accessed 24 Feb. 2008.
  • Link to NY1 Video: 17, Sep. 2007. Accessed 4 March 2008.
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