Bravo Hills
The Bravo Hills are a group of low peaks rising to 780 metres (2,559.1 ft), which border the Ross Ice Shelf
Ross Ice Shelf
The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf of Antarctica . It is several hundred metres thick. The nearly vertical ice front to the open sea is more than 600 km long, and between 15 and 50 metres high above the water surface...

 between Gough Glacier
Gough Glacier
Gough Glacier is a glacier about 25 nautical miles long, flowing from the north slopes of Prince Olav Mountains and the base of Lillie Range and trending northward to the Ross Ice Shelf, between Gabbro Hills and Bravo Hills. Named by the Southern Party of the New Zealand Geological Survey...

 and Le Couteur Glacier
Le Couteur Glacier
Le Couteur Glacier is a glacier, 15 nautical miles long, which drains the northwest slopes of Mount Hall and Mount Daniel and flows north along the west side of Lillie Range to the Ross Ice Shelf. Named by the Southern Party of New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition for P. C...

. They were so named by the Southern Party of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
The New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition describes a series of scientific explorations of the continent Antarctica. The expeditions were notably active in 1957-58 and again in 1958-59. The 1957-58 expedition went to the Ross Dependency and named the Borchgrevink Glacier...

(1963–64) because their supply Depot B (Bravo) was located nearby.
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