Bremer Institut fuer angewandte Strahltechnik
Bremen Institute for Applied Beam Technology (German: Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik) is a private sector research institute, located in the city of Bremen
The City Municipality of Bremen is a Hanseatic city in northwestern Germany. A commercial and industrial city with a major port on the river Weser, Bremen is part of the Bremen-Oldenburg metropolitan area . Bremen is the second most populous city in North Germany and tenth in Germany.Bremen is...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

. It was founded on July 1, 1977 as a premier laser institute, which was not a part of a university. It was the first of its kind, during that time. The institute was founded by Werner Jüptner and Gerd Sepold.

Areas of Research

The institute focuses its research in the areas of Material Processing and Opto-electronic Systems and Optical Metrology. The departments within the institute are accordingly categorised.
  • Materials and modelling
  • Optical metrology and testing
  • Welding and surface technology
  • Industrial applications


The institute is located in the University of Bremen's campus. It can be conveniently reached via the Straßenbahn
A tram is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. It may also run between cities and/or towns , and/or partially grade separated even in the cities...

 number 6, alighting at the stop named Universität Zentralbereich. The institute can be easily recognised by its distinct red coloured bricks. It is about 13 mins via the Straßenbahn to the city centre and 32 mins to the airport
Bremen Airport
Bremen Airport or Flughafen Bremen serves the German city of Bremen and is located south of the city. There were 2.4 million passengers in 2008.-History:The beginnings of the airport date back to the early 20th century...


External links

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