Breton-Norman War
The Breton-Norman War was a war between the Duchy of Brittany and the Duchy of Normandy
Duchy of Normandy
The Duchy of Normandy stems from various Danish, Norwegian, Hiberno-Norse, Orkney Viking and Anglo-Danish invasions of France in the 9th century...

 in the 11th century.


Brittany, an independent Celtic duchy, had a traditional rivalry with neighboring Normandy. The 1064 -1065 War between Brittany and Normandy was sparked after Duke William supported Rivallon I of Dol
Rivallon I of Dol
Rivallon of Dol-Combourg was born to Hamo I, Viscount of Alet and Roianteline. He would enter marriage with Evrard, Count of Bretueil and Viscount of Chartres's daughter, Aremburga de Puiset. He died around 1065. In his lifetime, he rebelled against Conan II, Duke of Brittany with the aid of...

's rebellion against Conan II.

In 1065, before his invasion of Anglo-Saxon England, William of Normandy sent word to the surrounding counties, including Brittany, warning them against attacking his lands, on the grounds that his mission bore the papal banner. However, Conan promptly informed the duke that he would definitely take the opportunity to invade the latter's duchy. This led to the Battle of Dinan
Battle of Dinan
The Battle of Dinan occurred in the late 11th century when William of Normandy invited future King of England Harold Godwinson to aid him in fighting Conan II of Brittany.- Battle :...

, in which guest Harold Godwinson
Harold Godwinson
Harold Godwinson was the last Anglo-Saxon King of England.It could be argued that Edgar the Atheling, who was proclaimed as king by the witan but never crowned, was really the last Anglo-Saxon king...

, King of England fought on the team of William. During Conan's 1066 campaign against Anjou, he took Pouancé
Battle of Pouancé
The Battle of Pouancé was a battle in Conan II of Brittany's campaigns against the rebel Rivallon I of Dol, the Angevin King Geoffrey III, and the Duchy of Normandy's ruler, William....

 and Segré
Battle of Segré
The Battle of Segré was a battle between the forces of Conan II, Duke of Brittany, and an alliance of the rebel Rivallon I of Dol, the Angevin Empire, and the Duchy of Normandy.During Conan's 1066 campaign against Anjou, he took Segré....

, and arrived in Château-Gontier
Château-Gontier is a commune in the Mayenne department in north-western France.It is about south of Laval, the préfecture of the department of Mayenne. Château-Gontier is home to the Refuge de l'Arche, a refuge for abandoned or mistreated animals.-People:...

, where he was found dead after donning poisoned riding gloves. Duke William was widely suspected.


Conan II was succeeded by his sister Hawise, whose marriage to Hoel of Cornwall may have been a political move to consolidate and stabilize the east and west regions of the duchy following Conan's death.
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