Bruce Percy (photographer)
Bruce Percy is a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 landscape and travel photographer.

Percy works with medium format film cameras. His images of remote landscapes have been featured in photography magazines, including Amateur Photographer
Amateur Photographer
Amateur Photographer is a British photography magazine, published weekly by IPC Media, a Time Warner subsidiary. The magazine provides articles on equipment reviews, photographic technique, and profiles of professional photographers.- About the magazine :...

and Outdoor Photography. He teaches landscape photography in Scotland. He has produced a series of podcasts about his travels.

One of his images, was used by the Small European Postal Administration Cooperation
Small European Postal Administration Cooperation
The Small European Postal Administration Cooperation is an association of 13 European postal authorities. They are Åland, the Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guernsey, Iceland, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. SEPAC is smaller...

 in 2007 for the cover of a stamp.

Percy is due to release his first monograph, a retrospective of his work over the past decade in November 2011. The preface has been written by Michael Kenna
Michael Kenna (photographer)
Michael Kenna is an English photographer best known for his black & white landscapes.Kenna attended Upholland College in Lancashire, the Banbury School of Art in Oxfordshire, and the London College of Printing...

. Percy cites Kenna as a huge influence in his work to date.

External links

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