Bruno Faidutti
Bruno Faidutti is an historian
A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time. If the individual is...

 and sociologist, living in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, who is best known as an author of board games. His best known games include Knightmare Chess
Knightmare Chess
Knightmare Chess is a fantasy chess variant published by Steve Jackson Games in 1996. It is a translation of a French game Tempête sur l'échiquier , designed by Pierre Cléquin and Bruno Faidutti....

(1991), Mystery of the Abbey
Mystery of the Abbey
Mystery of the Abbey is a board game published by Days of Wonder where each player plays the role of a monk seeking to solve a murder in an abbey along the lines of The Name of the Rose...

(1993, 2003) and Citadels
Citadels (game)
Citadels is a German-style card game, designed by Bruno Faidutti and originally published in French as Citadelles in 2000, and later in German as Ohne Furcht und Adel, which means "Without Fear or Nobility."...

(2000). He is also involved in the boardgaming community with his "Ideal Games Library" website and personal "Game of the Year" prize. Many of his games are the results of collaboration with other designers.

Selected list of games

  • Knightmare Chess
    Knightmare Chess
    Knightmare Chess is a fantasy chess variant published by Steve Jackson Games in 1996. It is a translation of a French game Tempête sur l'échiquier , designed by Pierre Cléquin and Bruno Faidutti....

    , 1991 (with Pierre Cléquin)
  • Citadels
    Citadels (game)
    Citadels is a German-style card game, designed by Bruno Faidutti and originally published in French as Citadelles in 2000, and later in German as Ohne Furcht und Adel, which means "Without Fear or Nobility."...

    , 2000
  • Castle, 2000 (with Serge Laget)
  • China Moon, 2003
  • Mystery of the Abbey
    Mystery of the Abbey
    Mystery of the Abbey is a board game published by Days of Wonder where each player plays the role of a monk seeking to solve a murder in an abbey along the lines of The Name of the Rose...

    , 2003 (with Serge Laget)
  • Queen's Necklace, 2003 (with Bruno Cathala)
  • Key Largo
    Key Largo (board game)
    Key Largo is a German-style board game designed by Paul Randles with Mike Selinker and Bruno Faidutti. It was published in 2005 by Tilsit Editions and in 2008 by Paizo Publishing. The game takes place in 1899 in the Key Largo area of Florida, where treasure-hunting companies seek gold and artifacts...

    , 2005 (with Paul Randles
    Paul Randles
    Paul Joseph Randles was an American game designer who designed German-style board games. His games Pirate's Cove and Key Largo were published first in Europe and then in the United States...

     and Mike Selinker
    Mike Selinker
    Mike Selinker is a game designer whose design credits include Pirates of the Spanish Main and Fightball with James Ernest, Axis & Allies Revised Edition with Larry Harris, the Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game, and Risk Godstorm. He was a creative director for the 3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons...

  • Diamant
    Diamant (game)
    Diamant is a multiplayer card game designed by Alan R. Moon and Bruno Faidutti, published in 2005 in Germany by Schmidt Spiele, with illustrations provided by Jörg Asselborn, Christof Tisch, and Claus Stephan....

    , 2005 (with Alan R. Moon
    Alan R. Moon
    Alan R. Moon is an author of board games, born in Southampton, England, and currently living in the United States. Despite his nationality, he is generally considered to be one of the foremost designers of German-style board games. Many of his games can be seen as board game variations on the...

  • Ad Astra, 2009 (with Serge Laget)

External links

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